Britannia Dungeons - Blighted Grove
The Blighted Grove Dungeon can be found east of the dungeon Shame next to a small swamp. You have to cross a fallen log to get near the entrance. The entrance is almost completely blocked off from the surrounding land by the large tree at the entrance. To work your way through the tangled twigs of the tree and enter the dungeon you have to carry a Bone Machete in your backpack. The machete will be damaged and eventually snap after a few uses. The Blighted Grove is a rather small dungeon. However, inside you will find some of the most dangerous creatures of Britannia, like the Coil (a green Snake), the Thrasher (a black Alligator), the Tangle (a red Bog Thing), a Hydra and the Abscess. The latter better not be stirred, as is the most deadly crature who will kill any adventurer with one breath.
The Bone Machete can be crafted by blacksmiths who have learned the recipe from the fisherman who wanders near the dungeon entrance. However, a few tricky tasks have to be completed before the fisherman will reveal his secret.
In a seperate cave, which is not accessible the regular dungeon, you can meet the peerless Lady Melisande. To visit her, you must first do a small favor for the Frightened Dryad who can be found in the Blighted Grove. You will then get the Dryad's Blessing, which you need to enter the cave of Lady Melisande. If you have the blessing, you can take a whole party of adventurers with you.

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