Part 1: The Early Days (1997 - 2001)
[ Goto Part 2: Returning to Britannia ]
[ Goto Part 3: Adventures on High Seas ]

- Prologue
- The Sea Serpent
- Ettin Steak and Troll Barbecue
- Monster Hunting near Yew
- The Wrasslin Knights of Naming
- Hunting Alone/My Second Death
- Killed by an Ettin
- The Guild of Freedom
- My First Dungeon Visit
- Through the Desert
- Spellcasting Enemies
- Dungeons, Monsters and Killers
- The Volcano of Trinsic
- A Looter in Covetous
- The Rat Hole

- The Mysterious Hedge Maze
- The Evil Mage of Trinsic
- The Swamp of Lizards
- The Pilgrimage
- The Disease
- The Wedding
- My Second Pilgrim Tour
- The Caves of Buccaneer's Den
- Sorcall the Ranger
- A Foolish Murderer
- Hunting the Silver Wolf
- Hythloth, Smell of Sulphur and Death
- Trouble in Deceit
- Hail to Thee, Traveller!
- Short Encounter With the Shadowclan

- Taking Revenge
- Battleteam's First Tournament
- Say Farewell to Lord Rho
- The Tale of McBykar
- The Church of the Black Sun
- Strange Occurrences in Yew Forest
- Meeting a Counselor
- On a Tropical Island
- Minoc Miner Marauders
- Looking for a Home
- The Invention of True Black Dye
- The Lords of the Eight Virtues
- War Against the Shadowclan
- Poisoned Body, Poisoned Mind
- Homo homini lupus

- On the Isle of Fire
- Poison in Covetous
- On the Vesper Graveyard
- High Elves in the Hede Maze
- Lizarda and KugelBlitz
- Marching for the Euro Shard
- Traces of Ancient Days
- Cove Orc Fort
- The Festival of Pride
- Perfidiousness and Deceit
- Hedge Maze Pilgrims
- Adventures in the Wilderness
- The Banana-Run
- Mad Biker's Grave
- The Life of a Pilgrim

- Daemons in Hythloth
- No Place to Resurrect
- Stealing for Runaways
- The Home of the Elementals
- Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair
- Zog Cabal Invading Britannia
- The Undead
- The Pike Brothers
- New Discoveries
- The Temple of the Four Winds
- A Strange Stone Gate
- The United Pirates
- The Tavern of the Eight Virtues
- The Death of Martoo Saul
- The Kinship Hall Tavern

- Necropoliss, the City of the Undead
- Pondering About Wenches
- The Knighting of McBykar
- The Prosecution of Captain Hook
- Lady Sonata
- Lost Hopes
- A Bored Pirate
- Murderers at the Virtue Tavern
- Pirates on Tour
- Kinship Festival
- The Pirates' New Headquarter
- Sweet Retaliation
- A Pirate in Kinship
- A Raid on the Virtue Village
- Pirates in the Lost Ice World

- First Steps in the Lost Land
- Fun with Ostards!
- Mugged, Plundered and Looted
- Maroon Fencing Supplies
- Merry Christmas Landlubbers!
- Destruction of a Shrine
- The Britannia Treasure Hunt
- Santa's Slay
- Christmas Surprise!
- Moonglow Mage Tower
- Visiting the Celts
- Hawkeye Pike in Jail
- Jolly Roger Landlubber Bash-Up
- A Stroll Through the Pirate Village
- Searching for a Hidden Treasure

- The Lost Lands Treasure Hunt
- Plundering the Orc Fort
- Farmageddon!
- Jayn of Ayre
- The Wrong Tavern
- A Treasure Map!
- Storm Silverhand
- All Good Comes to an End
- From Trinsic to Delucia
- Through the Jungles of Lost Lands
- A Professional Woodworker
- Ghost Pirates Invade Vesper
- The Spire of the Ninth Virtue
- Sambal the Treasure Hunter
- Fisherman's Friend

- The Deep Sea Fishing Contest
- A Cat And Her Claws
- Wedding on the Isle of Fire
- Raise Anchor!
- The Cup of the Staggering Sailor
- Invading Winterfell
- Trinsic Under Pirate Law
- To the Ice Dungeon
- The Trial of Simkin OneEye
- The Cup of the Drunken Admiral
- A Final Encounter
- Surrounded by Darkness
- Siege Perilous
- Beginning and End of an Adventure
- How to Start on Siege Perilous

- Ale and Gold
- To Fight and to Plunder
- A Riot at British's Castle
- Another Riot for the Docks
- Farewell Redneckus!
- Digging for Level 3 Treasures
- The Admiral and the Pirate Wench
- Scenes From a Wedding Party
- From Red Skull Bay to Skara Brae
- Rogues vs. Pirates
- Taming a Horse, and a Pirate
- A Ride to the Lost Lands
- Pike's Decision
- The Anniversary Plate
- Halloween on Siege Perilous

- The House of Pike
- Dealings With the Crown
- Dead Men Tell No Tales
- Effects of Ale Consumption
- Down to the Lava Pit
- Now, What's the Deal?
- Lizard Attack on the Virtue Village
- Britain Sea Battle
- The Day of the Patch
- Ophidian Temple
- The Terathan Dungeon
- Last Man Standing
- Strange Sightings at Sea
- Brigand Invasion
- Thunder Under the Jolly

- Brigands and Evil Mages
- Cities Under Attack
- A Crack in the Wall!
- The Big Battle
- Trinsic Under Siege
- Juo'nar Rules Trinsic
- Red Skull Bay Buccaneer Cup
- Games and Ale
- Strange Structures
- The Liberation of Trinsic
- Desecration of the Shrines
- Andrej Pike, Grandmaster Tailor
- Dark Times
- The Dying of the Communities
- The Fall of the Last Shrines

- The World Changes
- The Call of the Ocean
- A Buccaneer in Paxlair
- About Pike's Whereabouts
- Encounter with the Ghost Pirate
- Building a Log Cabin
- Plundering for the Black Market
- Hawkeye Pike's Lost Treasure
- Sambal Dragor's Combat Training
- Gargoyle's Pickaxe
- Just Another Day In Felucca
- Exploring Covetous
- Adventures in Despise
- Unsolved Riddles of Khaldun
- The Trinsic Conflict

- How to Ruin a Drinking Contest
- Fire And Ice
- The Brigands of Wrong
- A Pirate Invasion
- The Slayer of Hythloth
- Moving to Buccaneer's Den
- Capture the Tricorne
- Conflict With the Drow
- Signing up for True Britannians
- The Smell of Sulphur
- The Hard Job of a Highwayman
- Orc Attack on Yew
- Resigning from the Britannians
- Landfall in Cove
- Buccaneers in Yew
[ Goto Part 2: Returning to Britannia ]
[ Goto Part 3: Adventures on High Seas ]