Raise Anchor!
awkeye Pike lifted up the small bag filled with potions, he just had received from his brother
Andrej. "Shiv'r me timbers, I will need dem" he thought, stowing it into his backpack. He looked at the kryss and the magic shield he had prepared, and sighed. A fresh ocean breeze tinged with the smell of seaweed made its way trough the open window of the Pirate Outpost, the home that meant so much to Hawkeye. He took a deep breath, letting his thoughts drift away.
He used to stand there for hours, staring out on the endless sea, his eyes searching for the point where the blue sky melted into the hazy ocean. Every time he did that, a vision appeared in front of his eyes, the beautiful vision of a lady with sparkling green eyes. He let the breeze play with his hair and beard, enjoying the gentle stroke on his skin. It was her hands touching him softly, sending shivers through his body. He closed his eyes, as he could see her beautifully shaped body drift across the blue water, floating nearer. She was now so close he almost could touch her, sending him a loving pixie smile, penetrating him with her seductive eyes. He reached out to pull her nearer, when his daydream vanished in a puff of reality.
A sad expression on his face, the pirate looked down on the tourmaline wedding band on his finger, which matched
perfectly the color of his beloved wife's eyes. With a sudden resoluteness Hawkeye threw his backpack over his shoulder, grabbed his ship key and put his blue tattered tricorne on his head. He dropped a note for his wife on their bed, remembering the beautiful nights they had spent together. "I will mis
yo', me wench!" He stepped out and closed the wooden door behind him.
Soon the sails of the Grim Corsair vanished at the horizon, leaving no trace but a croaking seagull, circling unconcernedly in the evening breeze. |
The rattling anchor plunged into the shallow sea, and Hawkeye Pike lowered the plank. He stretched his weary limbs ere he set foot on the dry grass of this dreary island. He glanced back over his shoulder to the west. The pirate felt miserable for leaving his beloved Kitten and his friends, without telling them the purpose of his sudden leave. But whither he goes and whence he came had to be kept secret and hidden from the eyes of the watchful Virtues under any circumstance. The vision of his green-eyed wife danced in his head, and he missed her badly.
Ill tidings had reached Hawkeye ere he decided to set sails and leave instantly. A strange messenger had appeared at the Jolly Roger Inn two nights ago, exhausted and breathless.
"Art thou Hawkeye Pike, the corsair?" he had asked, gasping.
"Dat's me, except dey call me not corsair anymor', but Captain of da United Pirates!"
"I came hither on an important errand!"
The waiting figure had reached into his pocked and had pulled out a tattered sheet of paper from under his tunic, handing it over to the captain. The lines had been written hastily.
"So me old friend has return'd" Hawkeye had muttered.
Hawkeye knew this friend since years long past, when he was still sailing the seas as a wild corsair. They had fought fierce battles together against the Fleets of the Virtue, and often chased the enemy across the ocean. But now his friend was in trouble.
Hawkeye Pike carefully sneaked through the bushes, seeking for cover behind the trees. He could see the cold stony walls towering up into the sky. Somewhere behind these barred windows he would
hopefully find Krys Wyn. |
Strange folks he came across
during his search, and he often wondered what lost souls starved to death
behind these dark walls. |
The cracking boom of an explosion thundered through the night, and the door
of the prison cell flew rattling to the floor. "Hurry, Sea Fox!" Hawkeye shouted to Krys Wyn, "Let's get outta here!" Krys Wyn still looked
surprised, as they ran throught the dark corridors, their thudding steps echoing from the stone walls. The pirate opened a secret door, and they ran
out. Krys inhaled the fresh air, as his lungs were almost eaten away by the
sharp rotten air of the prison cell. Hawkeye turned around, looking impatiently. "We must hurry, matey!" he said, as suddenly his vision went
black. In the very distance he could hear the sound of hooves and the laughing of a woman, before he dropped to the ground. |
Moaning Hawkeye reached for his aching head, and wearily he staggered up to
his feet. He found himself in one of the cells again. What had happened? Krys Wyn was gone! Beside Hawkeye there lay a note on the floor. His eyes
flew across the lines, and he cursed loudly. This blasted wench Lydia! She
had tricked him again, and kidnapped Krys demanding ransom. Hawkeye recalled
some words that flew through his memory, words about a tiny island near
Trinsic. He must have caught these words after being knocked out. At least
one trace! |
What happened then can be told quickly: The United Pirates showed up, and
the landlubbers of the Virtue Village. Both parties had been tricked by Lydia.
The pirates followed their trace and reached the island soon. They really found Krys Wyn
there. But also others were searching for him, to put him to trial finally. The
story ended sad for the Virtue Village...