The Liberation of Trinsic

One day captain Hook sent me a report about the final battle of Trinsic. The evil Malabelle had set Trinsic on fire and monsters haunted the city again. People were screaming and running for their lives.

After long fights and hours of waiting, finally Lord Dupre appeared who lead the fighters from all over Britannia to Trinsic.

The barricade at the west gate was torn down and the fighters were finally able to enter the city.

On the roof of the Trinsic City Hall men fought the final battel against Juo'nar, the lord of the undead.

After a long fight Juo'nar was finally defeated. The death vortex vanished and an unstable moongate appeared in its stead.

The moongate transportet those who dared to enter to a secret cave. Crystals were smashend and thus the evil spell which suppressed Trinsic was lifted. The battle of Trinsic was won once and for all!


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