The Trial of Simkin OneEye
t started with an incident at the south gate of Trinsic. During the United Pirates' rebellion against the Martial Law in Trinsic, travellers who wanted to pass the south gate had been molested and demanded tribute from.
Due to circumstances nobody can (or wants to) exactly recall (except maybe the pirates themselves), a peasant who denied to pay the toll was killed by a scumbag named Simkin OneEye.

Simkin OneEye was enlisted in the crew of the United Pirate. Due to his despicable deed he was charged for murdering the Trinsic blacksmith Starke Redboar. Simkin was called to trial today. The trial took place in the upstairs courtroom of the Yew prison. Anybody who had experienced grief by the hands of Simkin and his pirate friends was called to visit the trial in Yew this day. There were many witnesses to the crime. Simkin OneEye would not get away this time. Justice was to be reasonably served. A good group of those seadogs showed up, the United Pirates, and all the big ones were there: Hook, Hawkeye Pike, Thrim and lots more. Teh courtroom quickly filled with lots of onlookers. People of all kinds could be seen, the Crimson Alliance, the Winterfell folks, the Paladins of Trinsic, Unsung Heroes and even some of the Virtue Village.
The pirate Hawkeye Pike acted as defense lawyer of Simkin, while the prosecutor Kyle Duskwalker was missing mysteriously. Kyle had to be replaced by the not so well prepared Donatello, one of the Unsung Heroes.

The trial lead on and the prosecution questioned two witnesses, Hook and Darius, who actually didn't seem to have seen anything. Then Hawkeye started for his final "demonstration". Hawkeye called one of his assistants and suddenly four men entered the courtyard, all with the name Simkin OneEye and all dressed like the prosecuted pirate.

People got up from their seats to step closer and see what was going on. Nobody was able to tell who the real Simkin was!

Hawkeye Pikes pleadings were cunning:
"Now I ask ye, how can ye tell da murderer Simkin OneEye from dese guys? Can ye really tell fer shure who of dese men has murdered da victim? Do ye recongnize a specific clothin'? Can ye really risk ta accuse da wrong one? Could ye rest easy at night knowing ye sentenced an innocent man to death? I SAY NO! No in all cases! Sentencing dis Simkin OneEye dere would be neither just nor reasonable. You have no solid proof, no real evidence, nothing."

Chaos broke lose. The Judge Ramus seemed to be at a loss for words and ordered all the Simkins arrested for obstruction of Justice. The pirates got up from their seats, shouting and prostesting against arresting five innocent citizens of Britannia. Meanwhile the Simkins, shocked by their prosecution, ran around and were trying to flee.
The Judge Ramus shouted loudly, for everyone to hear:
"These United Pirates are united against the Throne and all of Britannia! Rest assured that warrants will be issued for all of them! As for the Simkins, I can only sentence them to a week of prison for their obstruction of Justice. But when that week is up, you best be sure that the hunt for Simkin and the rest of his lot will be on again! From this day on, the United Pirates will be absolute enemies of British and the Virtues we hold so dearly."
The trial ended in a chaos and most of the Simkins escaped. The pirates triumphed and left to return to their home, the Red Skull Bay.
Soon rumors were spreading like fire that the pirates had kidnapped Kyle Duskwalker to prevent him from leading the prosecution. Kyles friends, a group of brave knights, showed up unexpectedly at the Jolly Roger Inn, the headquarters of the pirates. They caught the pirates red-handed as they tied Kyle to one of the training dummies in the back room. A fierce fight begun, which ended in a bloodbath. The pirates outnumbered the intruders and defeated the Unsung Heroes and their allies.

The pirates had to find a safer place to hide their prisoner.
"Dead men tell no tales!" Hawkeye Pike said. Then they marooned Kyle Duskwalker to a lost island somewhere in the ocean. Nothing was to be heard from Duskwalker anymore until this day...

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