Belle du Yew

My tired feet carried me from a long trip through the forests of Yew, back to the safe town. My head was aching, for a giant Ettin had given me a hard blow with his mighty axe. Well, he had to pay for it. Sunken in my thoughts I reached soon the woods north of Yew, when I suddenly heard the soft sounds of a music instrument. It seemed like someone was practicing on a harp, and I followed the sound 'til I reached the western coastline. A beautiful woman stood in the forest, holding a candle and playing. She was simple dressed, but especially her simplicity seemed to stress her beauty. I was very surprised and at a loss for words, but then I got a grip on myself and asked her who she was.
Her name was Sorsha Martigan, and she told me that she was new in this world. She wanted to improve her musicianship and enticement skills. While we were talking she was provoking a wolf with her instrument, and it attacked her. I killed it and we continued our conversation. I told her about the Pilgrims and the meaning of Bananas. After an hour or so (time seemed to pass much too fast) we had to part again, alas! I hope I will meet her again one day. I had invited her to the Banana-Run event on Saturday; maybe she will attend...
May her beauty shine across the meadows of Britannia forever!


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