The Invention of True Black Dye
ne day Mad Biker stepped out
onto the streets of Trinsic and noticed strange things going on. Almost everybody ran about dressed in true black clothes.
What was going on? Was this some day of mourning he hadn't been aware of? Did somebody famous die? Where did this color
come from in the first place? With regular dye tubs it was impossible to create this color.
As he learned later, someone had been making illegal experiments with a dye tub and achieved this hue by accident. Soon
the one dye tub was somehow copied and multiplied, and everybody dyed his clothes true black to look special. However, you don't
look special anymore if everybody else had the same idea...
Meanwhile the true black dye tubs were sold on the streets for 8000 gold pieces, which I would call daylight robbery.
Those who couldn't afford to buy such an item just payed to let the dye tub owners dye their clothes. Paying for dyeing?
Had everybody gone crazy?

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