High Elves in the Hedge Maze
cBykar had just returned
from a trip to the Isle of Valor, where he had come across a Drake (a creature he never before had seen on these
southern islands). He managed to kill the big animal with his crossbow by taking care that he didn't get too close
to it.

The day was still young, so he decided to visit the Hedge Maze. Having heard a lot about this place from Mad Biker, he decided to leave most of his belongings in the bank before traveling to the Britain Moongate. From there he walked southwest until he reached the outer hedges of the maze. Without any incident he reached the center of the maze, entered the farm and examined all the rooms.

His adoptive father had told him about the small tower in the maze, and McBykar finally found the secret tunnel leading to it. On top of the tower, hee saw a guild stone. A guild stone for the High Elves!

He left the tower again and came across some small houses that belonged to the High Elves. Suddenly two of the elves appeared, addressing the traveler rather harshly. McBykar soon noticed that the High Elves were not too good company. In fact, there wasn't much that distinguished them from simple thieves...

McBykar: Hello! Excuse me. I am an pilgrim.
Faewellyn: why do you trespass on elven land?
McBykar: I beg your pardon? I do not trespass, and there was no sign that this was elven land.
Faewellyn: you have stepped upon elven territory
McBykar: I see. Which is the territory?
Faewellyn: your standing on it
McBykar: The whole maze?
Faewellyn: *nod*
McBykar: Since when? I have been here some weeks ago, but there were no houses and no elves.
Faewellyn: there are now
McBykar: How did it that happen? Coulds thou tell me about your history?
Faewellyn: of elves?
McBykar: Aye, and how you come to declare the Hedge Maze as your property
Faewellyn: Rhi? wanna come help me here?
Faewellyn: I hate humans
McBykar: Why do you hate humans?
Faewellyn: because they are mush brains, knuckleheads. they know nothing
McBykar: Well, I don't quite agree...
Faewellyn: thats because you are one
McBykar: Sure. But why do you have this opinion?
Faewellyn: because you kill..., rape, pillage, destroy, all for money and power
Faewellyn: us elves are serine until you step on our toes
McBykar: That applies to many humans, but not to all of them
Faewellyn: all that i have met stink of the putrid stench of war. i hate them all
McBykar: How did you become honorable? By giving away things to beggars?
Faewellyn: it just happened, and no i dont give to beggars. they are humans
McBykar: Somehow you must have gained your fame. If not by giving, then by killing.
Faewellyn: yes
McBykar: So what's the difference between you and me?
Faewellyn: your a murderer and you smell funny
McBykar: I never attacked a human except for self defense. So I am no murderer.
Faewellyn: *sigh*
Faewellyn: your mushy brained
McBykar: No. You're not able to explain
Faewellyn: you do not understand the concept of life. you kill people and animals
McBykar: I already told you: I do NOT kill people
Faewellyn: what were you doing here anyways
McBykar: As I said: I am a pilgrim. I am interested in the secrets of Britannia to gain knowledge and wisdom.
Faewellyn: well
McBykar: Did you ever read the books in these houses?
Faewellyn: im sorry to say humans are not welcome here
Rhiana: hail rivvil. please, feel free to pay tribute to the elves and ye shall freely walk the maze.
McBykar: tribute?
Rhiana: of corse
McBykar: I am a pilgrim
Rhiana: i dont care
McBykar: There's not much I could give thee except some ribs of steak
Rhiana: what are your skills?
McBykar: I am archer and mage
Rhiana: give regents and ye shall stay
McBykar: As I told you: I am on a pilgrim tour. I don't carry anything with me.
Rhiana: you art a mage and ye hath no regents??
McBykar: Yes.
Faewellyn: *snicker*
McBykar: Because I prefer to WALK when I'm on a pilgrim tour. That's why.
Rhiana: regents have nothing to do with walking SIR
McBykar: I use them mostly for recalling, so I don't need them now.
Rhiana: i am not in the liking of how ye treat the elves.
You notice Faewellyn peeking into your belongings!
McBykar: Stop snooping!
Rhiana: chop wood, make me arrows. that can be tribute
McBykar: Give me feathers then it's no problem. I am a good Bowyer
Rhiana: i need arrows, not bows
McBykar: Sure. Give me feathers and I can make arrows
Rhiana: you tell the valsharess of the drow to give thee?
Rhiana: *cackles*
McBykar: *smiles*
McBykar: How am I supposed to make arrwos without feathers?
Rhiana: ye art a bowyer
McBykar: *smiles again*
McBykar: That doesn't mean I carry loads of feathers with me
Rhiana: ye should be ready for such cases
McBykar: I told you: You can have cooked ribs for I am a rather good cook as well
Rhiana: i am not hungry
McBykar: Then I cannot serve thee. I am sorry.
Rhiana: ye are not sorry
McBykar: It's not easy being friendly to thee...
Faewellyn: we wish not to be friend with humans
Rhiana: what are ye going to do... attack me?
McBykar: As I said, I never attack anybody except in self defense
McBykar: What are thine goals and why do you live here?
Rhiana: this is the home of the elves. rivvil! we live here that is why
McBykar: I have been here some weeks ago and there were no elves here
Rhiana: elves seldom show themselves except to defend their land
McBykar: I see. So I don't want to disturb thee anymore. Good bye
Rhiana: i shall see thee again! count on it!
McBykar: Maybe, yes. Would be my pleasure!
Rhiana: and the tribute shall be paid
McBykar: We'll see...
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