Lizarda and KugelBlitz
ujel'm. The most beautiful
city in Britannia, and really the best choice for a wedding! However, Nujel'm is difficult to reach, as it is located
on an island with no moongate connection to the mainland. You either need a boat to travel there, or a rune.
The big day of Lizarda and KugelBlitz had finally come, and many friends had arrived to celebrate their wedding.
Iron-clad Warriors, mystical mages, widely traveled pilgrims, very old friends, reliable companions and even
some Seers were amongst the guests, who stood to welcome the couple by the harbor of Nujel'm.

Finally the boat arrived and anchored, and the couple set foot on the island of Nujel'm. The guests were curious and couldn't wait to finally see and honor the two.

All visitors had lined up and bowed to the passing couple, showing them their respect. It was a terrific moment to see dozens of people standing alongside the road to the Nujel'm Palace, all dressed in their typical color and clothing. McBykar managed to summon an alligator and made it follow Lizarda, as a symbol for her name.

Everybody followed the couple into the Palace of Nujel'm. The white marble pavers gleamed in the sun and seemed
to melt together with the shining chalked walls of the palace, giving the whole scenery a touch of joy and hope. The
place was well chosen. This desert island had been fascinating McBykar since his last visit.
The wedding ceremony was held by the Seer Amber. It was beautiful to hear the couple promising their never ending love
to one another.

Seer Amber: The covenant of marriage holds a special place in every society
Seer Amber: From the beginning of time, men and women have sought the company of each other, to become husband and wife, to love and be loving throughout the lifetime of their bond to each other
Seer Amber: Lord Kugelblitz, pronounce your vows!
KugelBlitz: I, KugelBlitz, take thee Lizarda in neverending love to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, for fairer or fouler, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us depart, according to the Virtue's holy ordinance; and thereunto I plight thee mytroth.
Lizarda: *Tosses out a big Sigh*
Lizarda: The sanctuary of thy love is giving me strength. Salvation is thy embrace. My soul found its home, never I will abandon thee! I, Lizarda, will take thee to my wedded husband, to have and hold from this day forward according to Gods holy ordinance; and thereunto I plight thee my troth!
Seer Amber: Lord Kugelblitz, what symbol of thy love and commitment do you bring?
KugelBlitz: A ring
KugelBlitz: *slips ring on a finger of Lady Lizarda
Seer Amber: Lady Lizarda, what symbol of thy love and commitment do you bring?
Lizarda: A ring
Lizarda: *Slips ring on finger of Lord Kugelblitz*
Seer Amber: The citizens of Britannia have now heard thy vows
KugelBlitz: *embraces Lady Lizarda*
Seer Amber: let no one put asunder this union of heart and soul. May the Gods bless thee and keep you all the days of your life together
KugelBlitz: *caresses her cheek*
Lizarda: *Tosses out a big Sigh*
KugelBlitz: *kisses Lizarda*
Seer Amber: Go now, revel in the power of being a couple, rely and trust in each other
Seer Amber: *cough*
Seer Amber: By the powers given to me, I now declare you husband and wife
Lizarda: *snief*
Seer Amber: You may now kiss the bride, (again).
KugelBlitz: *embraces Lady Lizarda*
Seer Amber: *smiles*
KugelBlitz: *kisses Lizarda*
Lizarda: *Kisses Lord KugelBlitz devoted*....
KugelBlitz: *still kissing*
Seer Amber: Congratulations

It had been a fabulous day, an event none of the guests, and certainly not the couple, will ever forget. Alas McBykar had to leave soon, so he was unable to join the celebration afterwards. May the Lizarda's beauty shine forever on the green meadows of Britannia! May this land prosper from the nobility of KugelBlitz for many years to come! McBykar wishes them luck, fame and happiness as long as their footsteps can be found upon the ancient trails of Sosoria!

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