Pondering About Wenches

Ahoy McBykar!

I know yo' ar' one of da landlubb'rs, but I met yo' as a man who also shows resp'ct to peopl' like us - da pirat's. Maybe yo' can publish dis story to yo'r trav'log's, so many can read 'bout da true hon'r of da Corsair Hawkeye Pike!
As yo' can see, peop'l fight and kill us how dey lik'. In dis one case I follow'd the lumberjack'n lady Caitlin-Marie in da woods and ask'd her for her cheap necklac'. She didn't want to giv' it to me, and call'd her cousin Laurana, who kill'd me wid a deadly pois'nd sword.

So dat is da way we pirat's ar' treat'd most of da tim'. I know we ar' drinkin' much, we somtim's steal a bott'l of ale from somone or demand 20 golpiec's tribut' from travell'rs. But I nev'r fight to kill peop'l. Dat does da honor of corsairs not allow.
I hat' mag'ry, becaus' da secret spells ar' mostly us'd by cowards, who run away from deir enemies, or' kill helpless peop'l wid it. Dat be neith'r honorab'l nor brave! I keep fight'n wid my kryss until death or' surrend'r. Dat's how a pirat' is meant to act.
The Lady Sonata One day I met the lady Sonata in da Tav'rn of da Eight Virtu's, who now rocks my world! Damn, I nev'r would've guess'd dat any pers'on would be able to influenc' me in such a way! Dat lady be da most astonishin' little mermaid I met in Britann'a. She plays som' music instruments and I lov' danc'n to her music. She seems the only pers'n who undersands me, although I guess she don't like my way of livin'. She show respect to da traditions of da pirat's, bein' afraid of dem though. She somehow seems to reconiz' dat I am not just scum and evil, but I am a honorabl' corsair, who has an own style of earnin' money. We discuss'd 'bout honest profess'ons lik' lumberjack'n or carpentry (a skill I learn'd onc'), but dat's not my life and dis kind of work is not acceptabl' for me.
Sonata onc' told me a nice poem, here ar' da words:

And if I go, while you're still here...
Know that I live on, vibrating to a different measure
- behind a thin veil you cannot see through.
You will not see me, so you must have faith.
I wait for the time when we can soar together again,
- both aware of each other.
Until then, live your life to its fullest.
And when you need me, just whisper my name in your heart,
I will be there.

I was enchant'd by thos' wond'rful words. Words dat could only be spok'n by da beautiful Sonata...

Mebbe one day she will be less afraid of me, den I will ask her to accompany me to a beautiful plac', a plac' dat cannot match wid da beauty of my mermaid Sonata though...

The Corsair Hawkeye Pike
[United Pirates]


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