Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair

Two pirates, Hawkeye Pike and Fatty Bolger, are up to mischief in the dark forests of Trinsic. Harmless lumberjacks, hard-working miners and experienced wanderers are halted to demand tribute. Even the rich and famed travellers mostly recall in fear instead of paying the 20 gold pieces.
The so called Nobles and Famed earn their living by killing harmless dungeon travellers by trapping chests. Cowards like Drakken and Think loot the dead, for they can't defend themselves. The new reputation system stabs every honest player in the back, by giving everybody the chance to kill four times without any serious consequences.
Britannia is a pit of mud, and it always will be. The society is like a cancer eating itself through the bodies and the souls of every roleplayer.
Of course there are exceptions, like the Lady Corynthia, who help others selfless and without any egoism. They are few, they live their role (just like the two pirates do), and they are the only reason why I still remain in this evil world. When one day these people are gone, I will have set my foot into Britannia for the last time.
I visited our guild house some evil player has looted by abusing Blindd's account with a fraud. My heart felt lonely and empty, just the way the interior of our guildhouse looked. But there were steps taken to fight this scum. Fight them you must, for if you give up they have won already. And I won't let them win!

Fair is foul and foul is fair
hover through the fog and filthy air

I stood at the southern beach of Trinsic and watched the waves splashing to the shore. I picked up a shell and put it into my pocket. It's the small things that make me happy. I was wondering why I kept on visiting dungeons and making money, when there's so much to see and to experience in this world. I am a Pilgrim, and that's what I should live for. Mad Biker taught me that, and he was right.


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