The Return

The time has come!
Prepare thyself!
The step be done
Tonight at twelve!

A graveyard lost
In tropic heat.
The honor does
Give thee a lead.

The dead man's son
Shalt give his life.
With poison done,
Not with a knive!

Til morning dawn
The evil spread.
Thou must withstand
Or thou'll regret!

But when it's done
On the next day!
He then will come
Be shining grey.

Many famous and well-known friends had gathered at the grave of my father to wait for his return. Friends like KugelBlitz, Lizarda, Rho, Mortisha, Seth Le'Nara, Astrill and Rainer, to only mention some of them. Even the ghost of Laurana was said to be seen there, but unfortunately I was too busy to notice.
The poem had sent me a clear message: I was to poison myself and give my life, in order to make the return possible. I felt miserable, for I already knew how the deadly poison tastes. It would be a nightmare! But it had to be done. Silence spread throughout the forest, even the singing birds seemed to have ceased with their melodic tunes. The sorrowful eyes of my friends rested on me. I grabbed the little green flask and lifted it to my mouth.
I cannot describe the next minutes, they seemed to past like hours. Pain was flashing through my body, and my brains seemed to have stopped working. My body writhed and my friends were seized with horror. Suddenly the pain was totally gone, and I felt free and light. A cool air seemed to rush through my bodyless ghost, and I suddenly saw the vision of Mad Biker floating down beside the gravestone. A flash cracked from the sky and a thunder was heard throughout the forest. He had returned!

"The Gods have sent me back to submit one last message. Justice finally was done, after a long long time of waiting.
The evil can now be fought with the power of honor and justice! Now the time has come to prove what once was promised. It shall now be the destiny of McBykar to face the horror of the horrors.
He shall equip his finest armor.
He shall grab his deadliest weapon.
He shall learn his mightiest spells.
He shall team up with his best companions.
He then shall enter the most dangerous places of Britannia.
He shall enter it alone or with whoever wishes to accompany him.
He shall fight his way from the entrance down to the deepest caves.
In one dungeon he shall find a person who will provide him and his companions with wisdom and power. This person is an evil mage with the name Gornoth. He shall be defeated and the power drawn from his body. Thou shall not use any transport spells to enter or leave the dungeon before reaching the lowest level.
Thou will be challenged.
Thou will have to rely on thy friends.
Thou will need each other to survive.
Until this goal is reached, I will retreat to the Lycaeum of Moonglow to study and meditate. When the goal is reached, or when my son failed, the Gods may decide upon my destiny. Thou all, who have come here tonight, have the power - grandmaster or not - to withstand the evil and gain fame and honor! Even the weakest part of the whole has the power to protect the strong!"

Those were his words, powerful but soft despite. I was not able to watch the reactions of my friends, for I felt like a giant hand was grabbing me and shifting me softly through the air. Beneath me I was recognizing the roofs of Moonglow gleaming red in the morning sun...


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