Fun With Ostards!

The pirate left the Just Inn of Papua and wandered north. He soon crossed the small river and walked on hot sand. Here in the desert, he met a strange man called Blade. He wanted to kill an ettin and asked the pirate for help. As a reward he tamed him a desert ostard and transferred the pet to the pirate. It was the first time he was riding some animal! It's steps were swaying but very fast.
Later he met a friend, and they managed to organize him an ostard as well. The animals could run very fast, and it was so much fun the both kept hunting each other through half of the Lost Land..
They even made an ostard run with the guy who tamed the ostard for the pirate's friend. The only problem they encountered later was, that they couldn't take the animals back to Britannia, and at the same time there was no more room at the stables of the animal trainers.
Also Hawkeye Pike tamed himself an ostard. It was not easy finding one, especially because near the ostard there had been masses of scorpions, snakes and a Wyvern.


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