Ghost Pirates Invade Vesper

An urgent message reached me, while I was hanging around in the Tavern of the Eight Virtues. A ghost ship had landed in Vesper! The search for Sonata had been without any success, and this promised to be a good opportunity to distract from the sorrows.
When we reached the beach near the Ironwood Inn, we noticed at once a large ship, which seemed to be stranded there. All hell was lose! All kinds of undead and ghosts invaded the land, harming everyone who was passing by. Many brave warriors had gathered to fight back the invasion of the netherworld, when suddenly I noticed a strange lady clad in white standing on the ship motionless. This obviously seemed to be the leader of the invasion, the ghost pirate Josie.
Suddenly dozens of ghouls and wraiths appeared from out of nothing, and I sent some well-aimed arrows towards these foul creatures. When I turned around again, the strange ghost pirate had disappeared.

Attack after attack was washing like a wave against the wall of warriors, and the sand was almost completely covered with the corpses of the bloodless ghosts. The appearance of the ghost pirate seemed to have strengthened the will of the undead again. The battle last long until the assaults finally abated and the tired fighters returned to their homes.


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