The Pilgrims' First Event

The day of the big event had come! Well, not too may brave citizens appeared at the dungeon entrance. But it was enough to let the event take place.
Some of our guild members took part, and after all was settled and everybody was ready, I announced the rules once more
At my command the brave runners jumped into the black hole and disappeared in the darkness. I had prepared a gate travel scroll, for I calculated some losses.
Sorcall was waiting outside to welcome the winner of the race.
Inside the dungeon the participants ran from monsters as fast as they could. Finding their way with a lighted candle they escaped giant serpents, drakes, wyrms, elementals and rats. Gonzo was a real fast runner, and I had problems to keep up with him.
Suddenly I was surrounded by two drakes who did not hesitate to spit their fireballs at me. I died at once. I continued as a ghost to the shrine where I got resurrected.
Seth had also survived the Run, but alas ShadowGal was killed on her way back to the exit.
Kurt helped a lot by guarding the chest. He chased away a thief, who picked up the whole crate and put it into his pocket.
My health points rose slowly and I watched one runner after another appear, partly as a ghost, partly alive. Each one   took a bunch of grapes out of the crate and disappeared again.
So I also tried to reach the exit and ran like hell. As I reached the safe opening I saw that it was stuffed and crammed with all kinds of monsters. But too late, I had bumped into them and was stuck, dying again without any chance to escape.
Outside I noticed that Gonzo had won the race. He must be the fittest to survive. Friends resurrected the ghosts, and we were all excited about the fun event.
As soon as everybody was treated well we gated to the bank of Vesper, where Gonzo got his prize: A reward of 2000 gold pieces.


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