Wheelings and Dealings with the Crown
he hooves of the white horse echoed from the high walls of Lord British's castle, as a man with a blue tricorne rode across the drawbridge. The iron chains of the gate rattled and the figure on horseback entered the gardens of the castle. He didn't leave his saddle, but rode straight into the castle, shoving a guard aside. He was not supposed to be late for his meeting. A minute or so later the servants could see him whispering to one of the noblemen in the big hall. The man with the blue tricorne suddenly laughed, patted the nobleman's back. He handed him out a small bag and left the hall quickly.

Later the strange rider was seen upstairs in one of the libraries. It is said that he had a meeting there with Lord British himself, although many doubted those rumors. Why would the king himself meet with such a strange man?
However, on the following day this man was riding to the Spire of the Ninth Virtue for the second time, demanding to speak the Duke of Drachental. The words he uttered did not lighten up the atmosphere in Drachental; they were taken as ill news.

"I, Baron Hawkeye Pike, son and heir of da Duke Blackeye Pike, hereby announce da reign of da House of Pike. Da Crown of Britainnia itself recogniz'd me bloodline, which directly derives frum one of da nobles frum da crown. As a prove I can show a document confirming me noble descent, which carries da signatur' of Lord British and has his seal splash'd on it."
He handed out a scroll to the Duke, who took it wordlessly and examined it carefully. He muttered, frowned, and handed the document on to his wife and his assistants. What was this all about? A forgery? The seal and the signature looked genuine, even to those, who knew the handwriting of Lord British. But this could not be! Pike was a known scoundrel, a pirate.

The Baron Hawkeye Pike continued: "Thus it is prov'd ta be genuine and valid. Ye can also see da coat of arms o' da House of Pike is fastened to me shield. Da crown agrees wid me dat it is necessary ta establish peace and equal rights in dis area ye call Drachental. Dis can only be achiev'd by an equilibrium o' power. Dis is why da King himself strongly recommended dat da House of Pike will be one of da Houses o' dis Touchy. I assume da Duke KugelBlitz will agree wid da crown, if he wanna stay da souvereign of dis land."
The rulers of Drachental stared at the scroll in dismay.
"This writing seems to have the royal sign," said KugelBlitz. "But before we can say if it's valid or not, we will start our own investigations. Well, let it be known that your rights are not recognized yet. We will await a messenger from the crown, or better send one ourselves."
"I wanna tell ye I can read frum yer faces. Some of ye would rather see me dead, dan acceptin' da House of Pike. But I've taken precaut'ons."
Hawkeye snickered, and continued with an amused tone in his voice.
"To ensure and secure the reign of da House of Pike, I produced an heir. Da child is carried by one o' yer wenches of yer community, ta make shure ye will not try and prevent da birth of me heir."
With these words he left the tower, riding south and thinking about his new plans...
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