
I'm sorry. As the guestbook service has unfortunately shut down, it is no longer possible to make a posting. Below there's a backup of the previous entries.

376 entries on 1 page(s)
7626 hits from 2000-08-18 02:58:38 to 2007-10-05

376  Date: 2007-09-17 11:08:06
Budo ( / no homepage) wrote:

nice guys! i even made a replica of hawkeye pikes log cabin on another shard but soon deleted it. hope you guys write more stories. me and my friend are makin a similar site like yours i'll try send ya the web address as soon as its up.

375  Date: 2007-09-08 06:28:49
NK-Trance ( no email / wrote:

Wonderful site. I started my guild on UO and the name is based off of UO. Negative Karma was a ruthless set of gaNKing PKs... :0)

I miss it sooo much. I can't wait for an amazing UO 2... :0\

Not any MMORPG compares to UO yet. Fuck all these leveling games. I want UO-style PvP with no Trammel... WHY DID THEY TAKE IT AWAY?!?!? :'0(

374  Date: 2007-09-05 20:56:43
Rhaxxan ( no email / no homepage) wrote:

Wonderful page it brings back so many memories, espacially the story "Hail to thee traveller" I had a good deal of those special occasion, both as Smurf and player.
Very very good stories!

373  Date: 2007-08-27 13:24:35
claudio ( no email / no homepage) wrote:

great site! how many great memories it berings back!

372  Date: 2007-05-20 16:25:21
Simon ( no email / no homepage) wrote:

I love your stories and it really brings back memories of UO.

371  Date: 2007-04-26 20:39:30
Darth Yoda ( no email / no homepage) wrote:

Thank you for the wonderful homepage. I couldn't help but read your stories and look at the pics and smile, so many good memories from those days. I fondly remember all my digital friends and the fun we had during Trinsic invasion and "Lich Lording" in deceit. Thank you for helping me recapture them once again.

370  Date: 2007-04-22 00:40:28
Patrick ( no email / no homepage) wrote:

really nice home page!, i enyojed reeding it! it was the best game ever and will be for the rest of my life! any one know if there is an un modified version of Uo that is playable online? (version before trammel) thanks!

369  Date: 2007-04-16 20:12:15
Mike (no homepage) wrote:

Great site. I especially like the flashback section.
It's what, 8 or 9 years since I last played UO and I can't seem to get over it. Thanks for a great site where I can long for the past.

368  Date: 2007-03-22 22:51:45
Nsk ( / no homepage) wrote:

Hi there, great website you got there. I enjoyed the whole site, thanks for sharing the beggining of the best mmorpg ever (and also the best game ever). Also thanks a lot for keep it online all this time. This site is unique in the whole Web as some ppl say below me.

Again, thanks and greetings from Spain ;)

367  Date: 2007-02-26 16:19:09
Zir Blazer ( no email / no homepage) wrote:

No matter how much I search around, your site is the ONLY ONE ON ALMOST THE ENTIRE WEB that host player made Screenshots of how UO was ten years ago, for those that barely remember those times yet wanted to become nostalgic once again. Good old times...
If you got more Screenshots around, please upload them too. Such historic reference is priceless right now.

366  Date: 2007-01-18 14:04:08
HawkMoon ( no email / no homepage) wrote:

Nice to find your page. It made me remember the old good times i spent in Britannia. There will be no game that give the feelings of freedom that UO brought to us.

365  Date: 2007-01-08 23:13:50
Charr Timber ( no email / no homepage) wrote:

Ahoy der yo' bloody Corsa'r ah be Charr Timb'r wun of da pirates of da seas. Ah hav'nt been sail'n da OSI r'alm fer years, but ah st'll be keep'n the spir'ts up on dem play'r shards out der! Yo'y sit' always been an insp'ration ta me roleplay matey, ah dank ye fer keep it up fer so long! Arr!

364  Date: 2006-12-06 21:17:16
ol'dirty ( no email / no homepage) wrote:

Nothing will ever compare the the old school days of UO! I played from 97-99 and loved every minute of it.

363  Date: 2006-09-21 04:29:42
Chad Sexington ^^ ( no email / wrote:

Just wanted to ask you to check out my site (points at homepage link) and wondering if you add it to your "Links" page. I would do the same on my affiliates page. You don't have to respond, I'll check back in a few days.

Thanks. ^^

362  Date: 2006-09-04 04:06:48
Seroster ( no email / no homepage) wrote:

Excellent site! Brought back memories of my early days in UO. Your stories/journal inspired me to try making my own UO shard. Here's hoping you try out some of the "classic" player shards and start writing again.

361  Date: 2006-08-28 17:36:20
Eyrothath ( / no homepage) wrote:

Hail pike, even though you have not played in 5 years, you should come on over UO Gateway and play on the server UO Gamers: Divinity, it is what UO was like in 1998.. Fun stuff on here, then ye can get yer site going again.. I love your site by the way..

360  Date: 2006-07-05 05:07:56
Bagheera ( / wrote:

I dunno if you check this.. but i am seriously lookinf for some info.. i need to know where the secret chamber is (or was) under the mountains.. i have a shard i am creating the history of ultima tour on and it would be a great little piece. everything else, i have... this is all i need... please reply if you get this, or anyone who knows does... where and how you used to get there please.
reference to page:

359  Date: 2006-05-24 04:02:04
david the great ( / no homepage) wrote:

sup dude, loved UO, dropping a line to say I appreciate you and your efforts to keep the UO legacy alive...true pvp is gone forever, minus these new UO gateway things. keep the love

358  Date: 2006-05-20 04:27:32
Berserk ( / no homepage) wrote:

Great site, I love it. We need more peopole like you.

357  Date: 2006-05-09 16:53:45
Siobhan ( / wrote:

great site :)

356  Date: 2006-05-03 06:47:43
Gavin Ward ( / wrote:

Hoya !! A verry kewl historical uo Pgae,remember me ? :-)

355  Date: 2006-04-29 21:33:11
Dj Camper ( / no homepage) wrote:

Beauteful and very,very sentimental page.
I'm played my own on a russian shard for ~3 years since 2000 to 2003 and it was a amazing time.I've met very well people there, the game's atmosphere really invaded me and still lives somewhere in my soul.This game changed me a lot and maked me a better men.
Thank you a lot for what you maked me remember the times once more.

P.S. Nice music... Where did you tooked it ?

354  Date: 2006-04-19 21:58:46
roy ( no email / no homepage) wrote:

great page. makes me miss uo and the good ol'days

353  Date: 2006-04-18 08:06:53
Matthew Kelp ( / wrote:

Your web site is exactly what I've been looking for, I've been doing research on player-created histories through shared-fantasy universes, and I'd like you to contact me as soon as possible. Your perspective is dead-on what I need.

352  Date: 2006-04-08 23:22:06
Disco Stu ( / wrote:

Miss Ultima Online and the way it was? Give us a shot! Our server is on a professional fiber T3 line! Up for almost a year now, we are growing daily! Come join folks who want to play UO the way it should be!

351  Date: 2006-04-08 06:05:50
Johnny Alpha ( / wrote:

Hi, I enjoy your website on UO and I agree with much of what you have written there. I am an old UO player also. I just pre-ordered Roma Victor yesturday, which is also a social experiment or virtual community much like the old UO. Its based upon the Romans versus the Barbarians in 180AD Britain. You might want to give it a try, its not like anything else out there and the developers try to keep it historically accuarte. I have not been interested in wasting any of my time in other MMOs since UO except for this one. They just had an in-game crucifixion last week that was reported all over the internet and even in newspapers:


Here is part of a preview from

"It is hard to compare Roma Victor to any MMORPG in the last ten years. If I had to choose, then many things about the gameplay would be more close to the original Ultima Online than any other I can think of. It is a challenging game that does not make things easy on you like an EQ or WOW kind of game would. The combat, purely skill-based character advancement and diverse crafting systems are all extremely realistic and historical. There are no /tells, the world is half scale of our real world, and the economy is the most true to a real world one I've ever seen in a MMORPG. All of this in my opinion means that we finally have the chance to see a true virtual society come into being."

Roma Victor Commercial Test Preview @

350  Date: 2006-04-03 13:41:03
Old Winter ( no email / no homepage) wrote:

thanks for all the great memories these stories have brought back.

349  Date: 2006-03-04 20:09:35
Marc ( no email / wrote:

Love the page. UO was the best RPG game I've ever played. It's good to know there's another disappointed MMORPG fan out there cause UO was just that good. Keep up the good work on the page, the world of Britannia is an epic one.

348  Date: 2006-01-29 04:05:57
Dragun Skin (Keith) ( / no homepage) wrote:

I just started playing UO the game rocks,I was looking around at diff sites trying to find some help in creating a char and i found this site in the search.This is a wonderful site,I dunno if its the music or the emo feeling you get when you read the pages but this place feels homely.You can tell you really loved the game,its a shame we dont have more players like you.I dunno...You undertsand what i mean -Keith

347  Date: 2006-01-07 22:08:24
Barbarossa ( / wrote:

Ahoy Pike

Ye shuld mebbe see about dis here

Some say it be th' second coming o' Britannia. All we know is th' crew is t'inkin' about plunderin' dis land.

Oh it's gots some mighty fine ships too, matey...mighty fine.

Cpt. Barbarossa Ramirez, Retired
United Pirates
"Th' Seas Is Ours!"

346  Date: 2006-01-06 07:36:16
Ilutzio ( / no homepage) wrote:

Hi Hawkeye!

I'm about to start a project called UO--Back to the past.

The basic feature is that i'm going to customize all the current uo graphics to match the ones in pre-alpha.

Do you have more screenshots of the pre-alpha days of ur? Other then the ones in Flashback that is?

That would be most helpfull!

my icq is: 173738249
and my email/msn is the one u can see above this message.

Tnx for your reply!

345  Date: 2005-12-29 18:17:53
the eggman ( / wrote:

nice site, i stumbled across it via google got some great content

344  Date: 2005-12-23 01:28:33
Gerald Tarrant ( / no homepage) wrote:

Thanks for the smiles! I've played UO for six years now and everytime I see a website like this, I just get more and more into the game - all over again.

I too miss the old days and wish Tram never existed, but I've learned (by force of EA) to have to live with it. I miss Miner killing also, but there's still the occasional dumb Trammie that comes to Fel in order to acquire a powerscroll or two!

What really made me smile is the old screen shots of the PC game - I played Ultima I, II and III (which was my favorite at the time) and I couldn't believe the graphics. I think in those days, alot of imagination was used in place of the exciting graphics we have today.

One day, I hope your life can slow down some and you can re-enter Ultima Online again.

343  Date: 2005-12-08 19:54:06
Troy ( / no homepage) wrote:

Flashback. Thx for that :) very nice.

342  Date: 2005-12-06 19:58:52
Zaddik Rahl ( / no homepage) wrote:

I too use to play Ultima, I stumbled on this page, and experienced some good flashbacks. Almost brought a tear to my eye. I miss the good old Ultima days. More than four years after I played Ultima, I now still get e-mails from people that were in the guild a friend and mine use to run. LONG LIVE SOUL BLIGHTERS!

341  Date: 2005-11-27 06:15:27
Sammich@uogamersHybrid ( / no homepage) wrote:

Ive read most of your travel book. Sad to see you go from ultima, I now play on a freeshard and I know its nothing like authentic but its still fun. Reading the last page when you left Ultima, and even seeing your foes show up was crazy. Mad respect, sorry to see you go

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