
340  Date: 2005-11-26 07:21:17
Hawkeye Pike ( no email / wrote:

Hello Noni, I tried Ashen Empires about 2 years ago. I'm not a 3-D fan, but the graphics of that game seemed a little too "basic" to me. However, I do not know how the game developed during the past 24 months. Maybe it is worth another look.

339  Date: 2005-11-23 03:20:44
Noni ( no email / wrote:

Have you tried Ashen Empires since IWG took over and Talazar's Revenge was released? it's ultra impressive now... better than UO was in it's early glory day in my opinion...

Well worth trying out [for free] and they're thinking of offering UO players the chance to redeem their UO CD for a free month of AE...

You might want to have a look at it now... all the things I enjoyed about pre ren are there.. without the problems that I hated. [Namely grief play]

338  Date: 2005-11-17 15:57:57
Alistaja of Europa ( / no homepage) wrote:

This page brings back so many memories... Too bad it's all gone now. No other game has ever come close to having the same freedom and atmosphere of old school UO. Wish OSI put up a pre-ren or even a pre-pub 16 shard for us... never gonna happen :) Anyways, thanks for the cool site Hawkeye :)

337  Date: 2005-11-13 22:41:47
Rowville ( / no homepage) wrote:

I started playing UO in March 2004 so never got to experience the games earlier stages. Reading your descriptions from earlier game made me wish I had played it earlier. Seperating the Shard into Trammel and Felucca it seems, took away that unpredictable free social experiment and turned it into predictable thus taking away the element of true adventure. A pity. Rowville of Sonoma.

336  Date: 2005-11-05 05:58:05
Jacob ( no email / no homepage) wrote:

Glad to see you're still kickin' around and following the developement of the MMORPG industry! I, too, share your sentiments regarding the current state of the genre. Your travelogues remain a great read. May we one day cross paths in a virtual world.

335  Date: 2005-10-28 10:42:48
Cobainus on Catskills ( / no homepage) wrote:

Hey, I read this website and it completely inspired to start playing UO again (I had played it a couple years ago but wasn't abe to play for very long.. like a week, lol). So I bought the new 8th Age Package and set up a character. I asked a couple people about the famous United Pirates guild and lots of the people I asked knew you guys =). I was talking to Conner O'Mally when an idea hit me to find a batch of people who would be willing to start the United Pirates back up and role play pirates again. I already have a bunch of people that would love to do this, and I cant wait till we are demanding tribute (however it is possible) and coming up with exiting new guild activities (which I know we could do cause there are some very creative people in Britainnia). So eventually in the near future there is going to be a New United Pirates on the Catskills Shard. If you know any Pirates that still play or might like to join please tell them about it... and if we could have the legendary Hawkeye Pike grace the seas of Britainnia once again, it would be a great honor. Otherwise any suggestions or comments e-mailed would be awesome.
Sincerely, Cobainus (not the pirate) on Catskills

334  Date: 2005-10-24 13:33:20
Yoshi wrote:

Wow, Nice to see an update after 3 years...

333  Date: 2005-10-22 22:20:17
Johnny Alpha wrote:

Superb website.

332  Date: 2005-10-22 20:11:47
John Connelly wrote:

Wonderful page, I had to stop reading as it brought so many mixed emotions of past joy and present anger.

331  Date: 2005-10-22 18:21:11
kronides wrote:

Thanks for the stroll down amnesia lane :)

330  Date: 2005-10-22 17:52:36
Rhal wrote:

Thank you for putting up this site. Brought back years of memories. Like you, I no longer play the game, and remember it fondly. If Tram was never created, I probably still would be playing. Thank you for sharing the adventures and bringing back the memories of the years of friends, rage, fun and of course anger.

329  Date: 2005-10-22 15:31:18
Penelope wrote:

Wow! I bumped into ImaDufus in Luna the other day. Brought back a rush of memories ( I even helped ImaNewbie in Yew years ago !).
I just had to visit this site again and enjoy the toons - my favourite is the Wassup one :)
I hope you find your way back to Pacific :)

328  Date: 2005-10-22 11:21:15
Suicide Bard wrote:

This Page ROCKED, Brought back years of Memories of UO.
Thanks for Sharing your adventures!
Peace out

327  Date: 2005-10-22 10:43:42
Wood wrote:

Just wanted to say that your website is such an ispiration!! Reading your stories gives me a chance to see what is gone from UO, which is the excitement, danger, and community that once graced UO. Sadly now UO is all about items and farming and no other game has come close to comparing to UO in its infancy. But I still have hope for a classic ruleset server one day. I just wish UO was still like it was back in 1997, then it would actually be exciting to still play that game today. Great website. :D

326  Date: 2005-10-21 02:34:48
Eric wrote:

Nice site I love it (10-12-05)

325  Date: 2005-10-13 17:27:31
Billboard wrote:

Man i love this site and i was so sad when they took it down but now it is back up and i am happy

Also i wish thire were more travelogues but it does not matter

324  Date: 2005-10-04 21:17:08
OMeH wrote:

Good site,more info about UO!

323  Date: 2005-10-01 02:05:05
Calix wrote:

It's great to see this site still exists. I've only recently finished with UO after near on 7 yrs, but i'm as yet unable to get over it properly, find myself looking for sites like this...

322  Date: 2005-09-28 08:02:19
Jacob wrote:

Its good to see UO again.. makes my heart feel good.

321  Date: 2005-09-28 02:24:24
jerijah herero wrote:

'ello pike.

long time no see. hope everything is going well. i've kept uo travelogues saved in my bookmarks for a long time. and everytime i come to the page it brings back old memorys. wish mmorpg's could be like it was back then. the golden age of uo.

yar har har

solong mate


320  Date: 2005-09-18 00:49:28
Vanathros Thalas wrote:

-=EDIT=-I do not know you, Hawkeye Pete(or was it Pike...?)
but I think i'm going to miss you! This midi is so sad :(. Your site got me into UO and when I saw you were quitting, I became sad. Sniff. Can you at least keep the site up? It makes me feel somewhat happy.-=EDIT=-

319  Date: 2005-09-12 05:09:18
kat wrote:

I am an UO beta tester from 97 and really enjoyed your site. It brought back a lot of memories and I am grateful that you took all of the screenshots. RPing was so great back then, wasn't it?

318  Date: 2005-09-11 10:47:20
Carl/Aeryn of GL wrote:

Been a player since Sept 97. While on watch one night stumbled on your site and started reading... NEVER have i actually been saddened by the fact my relief showed up hehe. it passed 8 hours within like 2. I remember when i started out in GL back then SweetPea was my first and only started almost the same as you with the mining but i used burglery as my secondary, never got into the whole PvP arena to much but i held down my fort when attacked. I Really think that in some aspects UO has chcanged for the better but alot of what OSI has done is down right sacrelage to the world Ultima. the virtue system giving every one full control over there actions, has been snuffed into almost non-existance Felluca-Trammel. With the introduction of ML for some of the better experiances you have to go to Felluca (i hate that word it is the only Facet). Anyway thank you and if you ever decied to get back in and come to GL look me up i will show you the "new" ropes hehe. AWSOME site!.

317  Date: 2005-09-09 20:43:03
Charlie wrote:

Hello, I'm uo player since the very start. It changed a lot but still has the taste of the old days, just don't give up! :)

316  Date: 2005-09-05 18:12:27
Marduk wrote:

*EDIT* Something that will probably never exsist in either UO or any other game again.

315  Date: 2005-09-02 12:04:01
Player of Sonata, (and numerous others) wrote:

most likely you don't come here very often, but I wanted to say how delighted I am to see your pages again.
The UO of those days provided the best gaming experience, and none of the newer MMORPGs have come even close to giving the same thrill (Can you say WoW ...).
Sadly, neither has "new style" UO

Anyway, I hope life is treating you well, and that also goes for all my other fellow players from Catskills.

314  Date: 2005-08-07 10:45:30
Arazons wrote:

Ultima Online is still goin strong. And there are many servers that exist today that seek to be like Ultima Online was when thsi site was created, teh glory days of UO.

313  Date: 2005-08-03 21:37:27
bill wrote:

UO player since 2003 :) long live uo

312  Date: 2005-08-01 21:44:50
Zaroff wrote:

Hey man, me and a few friends decided to reconstruct 1999 UO -, stop in and say hey sometime we may know each other from way back when!

311  Date: 2005-07-13 04:05:01
Leo wrote:

I love your stories they just make want to log back in to Ultima Online and clear some Dungeans. These stories got me into Ultima Online.

310  Date: 2005-06-19 13:21:46
Miramis wrote:

Im so glad this page excists. Nobody working on it anymore tho? I love to read the old travelogues but the maps sure would need an update. Im so longing to read about Ilshenar and mayhap even Tokuno in the future?

309  Date: 2005-06-19 09:31:22
Cyrus wrote:

Thanks for keeping this site up.

It is a part of Ultima Online history that would be lost.

308  Date: 2005-06-04 23:21:56
Shane wrote:

this is an amazing site. I spent ages reading the travelogues and they make me wish i had discovered UO earlier as i didn't know those times but they sound fantastic. I would like to thank you for the entertainment this site brought me.

307  Date: 2005-01-02 17:18:52
Chloe Visolara -V- wrote:

Well what can i say? ill give anything for OSI to change UO back to the old days! miss it so much... good site i mean REALLY good site.
I keep coming back to reread it all hehe ty !

306  Date: 2004-12-27 07:15:29
jorge wrote:

I just found your site and its awesome
I never try Ultima, but after reading this i feel like i miss Hawkeye Pike
Ur esay: "The Game of the Future" is really good
So i really wanna know what do u think of World of Warcraft, the brand-new online experience everyone is talking about. Im a RTS player, not a RPG player, but WoW is so charming.

305  Date: 2004-10-28 18:22:36
Type6 aka. Mitull wrote:

UO is the best mmorpg that ever was and always will be!

304  Date: 2004-10-17 09:48:58
speedman wrote:

Very nice site! Brought back memories of the old days of UO.

303  Date: 2004-09-19 13:18:18
DaLaw wrote:

Greetz from South-Africa :
Great website!
Loved all the screenshots and stories :D
Keep it up

302  Date: 2004-08-30 07:55:37
Bill wrote:

was interesting to see the early alpha and beta test pictures

301  Date: 2004-08-12 02:54:08
Julius Atilius wrote:

Did you ever hear of the Byzantine Or Roman Empire?

300  Date: 2004-08-02 00:21:07
Dimaceyree of Atlantic wrote:

That was great........*wipes tears of remeberence*

299  Date: 2004-07-02 22:57:39
Mapper wrote:

This is a great site. I am glad you brought it back up!

298  Date: 2004-05-27 04:57:35
Chantilly of Baja wrote:

Thank you for putting this site up for us to remember days gone by.
I had tears in my eyes as I read this.
I have been playing UO since right before they made Trammel.
I remember the days of gating monsters to people's houses, running to the bank in fear of your own life, people able to tport into your house!
I walked many many miles of the great world I still play on and have made many friends along the way, helped those I could, and bade tearful farewells to those leaving, including my beloved Tony, who left after 6 years there.
All my sisters and I go on, in the hope, that someday another "Tony" will enter our world and hearts.
Again, thank you. Thank you.

Lady Chantilly of Baja

297  Date: 2004-03-13 22:18:48
Vladimir wrote:

The Site is very Good ! I am hapy =]

296  Date: 2004-03-01 19:06:30
Jacob wrote:

I love this site. I miss the golden age of MMORPGs, the age of which you write of so beautifully.

295  Date: 2004-02-24 16:46:18
former lake superior playery Enoch wrote:

I havent played this game for about 3 years and I finally get the aos version and I find out that they ruined the game completely. There isn't supposed to be anything as good as what the OSI developers made on the game. Such as the casting on mages and the weapons that you can't find a match to beat. Now it is either you have an artifact weapon or armor or u cant really get into the game and have fun without someone else coming in and taking your kill or killing you.

294  Date: 2004-02-15 17:00:18
Anonymous wrote:

Hawkeye Pike, I would like to thank you for all the screenshots of Ultima Online in the early days. When I first played I just started as the seige of Trinsic began, also, The orcs of Yew, I was there too. I walked from Britain to Yew with a very nice somebody. Its really sad how everybody has changed from pure hand-to-hand fighting to mages only, I quit UO after about 2-3 months of playing. There is a freeshard I know of, it is the good-ole-days of '98, I think it would be really cool if you could join Hawkeye Pike. Its called In Por Ylem and about 1000 people are on at all times. That would be so cool if a guild like the pirates was created.

Thank you for all the old screenshots, i haven't seen any of them in my experience. Thx Hawkeye Pike.

293  Date: 2004-02-10 21:36:29
Former Pacific Player wrote:

Hey! I just want to say great site. It reminds me of my fond memories of UO. I starting playing with the release of second age and I quit the second Richard Garriott left Origin. I miss old UO to this day and its really sad to see UO become what it has become because EA. In my opinion they ruined one of the greatest games ever created...

292  Date: 2004-01-23 01:38:57
A former Cats RPer wrote:

You have a great web page here. I was never in the pirates or really knew Hawkeye or his band in anything but name, but I played the game at the same time as you, since release, in the same community as you, and now, finally, like you, though a little less than three years later, I have too left UO and wax nostalgic as I read over your pages and stories from years gone by. I wish I had had the foresight to save pictures and the talent and time to put together a web page as you. Playing a game for over six years is incredible, and UO was an incredible experience, especially the early years, and I think I eeked out an existance over the last year or two in what remains of the once amazing roleplaying community on the Catskills shard.

I hope your web page continues to stay up for years to come, as a reminder of how things once were.

I also hope you are well, am curious if you ever got into any other MMORPG's or not, and am finding it actually harder to leave your web site than I did to cancel my subscription. Maybe because what UO really was to me was in large part the memories of my own, some of which we shared in passing.

Good luck, and thanks for the wonderful site.

291  Date: 2004-01-06 05:31:27
Sam wrote:

cool too bad i missed the first years of uo it must have been a real thrill
now the game kinda sucks people leave its all about items and skills nothing new
i wonder when they will shut down the servers im sure it will happen soon
your site leaves great memories and good stories for the veterans i enjoyed reading them
good luck!

290  Date: 2003-12-31 22:57:35
GORDON wrote:

Was browsing your page... and was excited when I saw you used a pic from my own UO page. ;)

I quit the OSI servers, but if you're looking for the fun of pre-2000 UO, try the Metropolis shard. Stable and fun.

289  Date: 2003-12-08 17:56:55
NostraDamus of Europa wrote:

... missing the old times in UO. Your stories are a pure pleasure to read. I hope that your site will stay online a long time.

288  Date: 2003-10-17 13:48:12
Iskai wrote:

Just been reading through the travelogues - a good read!

287  Date: 2003-10-08 22:35:20
Admin_Lloth_Atlantica wrote:


ich hoffe auch, das du wieder zu UO zurückfinden kannst. Ich kenne einen Freund, der ist nach 1,5 Jahren zu seinem Ursprungsshard zurückgekehrt, weil er die Stimmung und die meisten seiner noch vorhandenen iG-Freunde vermisste. Also so gesehen soll man niemals nie sagen, Hawkeye ;)



286  Date: 2003-07-14 16:24:05
Snowdancer wrote:


this site showed me a lot about what ultima online is like and made me buy the game. although you quit i didnt regret my decision to join the community. great site! great stores!

286  Date: 2003-05-23 23:06:41
Julian alias Hook wrote:

Hey der olde Pike and Andreas

I just want to say hello and hope you are doing fine.
And if anyone here likes to read more pirate stories, please take a look at the current U.P Webpage.

285  Date: 2003-04-15 14:32:16
Drakken(Catskills) wrote:

Miss the old time, very nice site!



284  Date: 2003-03-20 23:34:01
Fafhrd wrote:

Great site- its on my favorites list. Thank you for this.

283  Date: 2003-03-03 08:31:48
Cory wrote:

man your web site is absolutly awesome!! your flashback page brought back soo many good memories of the good old UO days. im so glad I found your web site, its nice to see things about people that played since I have. Its hard to find true vets of UO to share and hear about stories that have happend in UO!

282  Date: 2003-02-19 22:51:04
Martin wrote:

mir fehen die Worte. schade das ich nicht von anfang an dabei war. schade.

281  Date: 2003-02-13 14:02:51
Rogus wrote:

Ich sags ja nicht oft aber:
"Ich ziehe meinen Hut vor Dir ..."

selten wurde über UO so klar, objektiv und trotzdem mit soviel Emotion geschrieben ...

Ich hoffe Du wirst gerade diese Erlebnisse des "Alles neu entdecken" noch einmal wiederfinden, glaube manchmal das wirklich viele Leute gerade nach diesem "kick" wieder ausschau halten ...

Bis dahin alles Gute auf Deinem Weg!

280  Date: 2003-02-11 02:37:35
Carl wrote:

Very touching and deep site, especially since I've played about as long as you have. I really wish they'd make a server pre noto patch and no more Trammel/Felucca....However I still play UO now and then on Napa. Good luck in your future games if you choose to

279  Date: 2003-02-11 01:19:36
Darren wrote:

Great UO site, the coolest UO pictures i've seen on the internet.

278  Date: 2003-02-10 13:46:35
Max (Slynth 55ma) wrote:

Nice site, to bad i can't get into the froum so i'll post it here; I wants to join the guild.
Just give me a tell please.

277  Date: 2003-02-06 13:00:00
Gallan Dracos GM Mage wrote:

I AM THE GREATEST! I'll kickk everyone's ass, I am the great GALLAN DRACOS LEGENDARY MAGE! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA! P.S: this website kicks ass!

276  Date: 2003-02-06 12:00:28
Bearsson wrote:

Nice site, nice reminiscences :)

275  Date: 2003-02-02 13:18:57
Liakathana wrote:

I'm inlove I tell you.
UO tha best

274  Date: 2003-01-25 01:51:47
Drake Morgan wrote:

Player Since '97, you gotta miss the good old days don't ya?

273  Date: 2003-01-24 08:01:15
Hawkeye Pike wrote:

Laura, please check the News Archive for more information.

272  Date: 2003-01-23 03:19:10
Laura wrote:

why did you quit the game?

271  Date: 2003-01-22 07:20:04
JCtheBuilder wrote:

So many great stories and pictures. I wish I had taken more during the early days of UO myself.

270  Date: 2003-01-22 01:50:53
Aradaxus wrote:

Ahh man the memories!Thank you for the tales of the days of old.I to remember the constant connection losts back in those days.I also remember thisa website long ago with its old look.Take care man thanks for showing some of us oldtimers the good ole days of UO which sucks highly now.Hail Oldtimers of Pacific!! :)

269  Date: 2003-01-21 03:05:16
Dragonkurr wrote:

I am extremley happy your page is back up. Before i started playing uo your page got me all worked up about the play experiences with your interesting stories........THANK YOU AND GREAT WORK

268  Date: 2003-01-19 00:49:35
Diego wrote:

Im from TAR POL a free server ( that dont matter, the thing is that Ive only played uo for 4 months and when I visited this site I realized that lots of ppl, long before me have had adventures and experoences in uo, long before me, d00d that web side almost made me cry rofl, well not really but its just an awesome web page, cant describe it there aint no words....
Tight Job!

267  Date: 2003-01-16 22:42:32
Matt wrote:

Beautifully designed site with atmospheric music included, perfect site.

266  Date: 2003-01-14 23:27:48
jacob wrote:

i have found your site interesting and useful thank you very much. i am a level 21 MA. i would seek your guild when i am level 30 but currently i am in the guild known as TheWrath=TDF= so i am kind of stuck there but if you want to alk my charater is Lescoldo. And iam usually in athens.

265  Date: 2003-01-05 14:55:30
Tormentius wrote:

Truly amazing site. I have enjoyed reading the flashback pic collection since i arrived in uo just after Renaissance was released. Great stories too!

264  Date: 2002-12-24 19:17:59
Bytor wrote:

what an incredible journey through your website
it is with out a doubt one of the top sites i've seen for the worlds best game.

hope you have a great day and thanks for putting it together

263  Date: 2002-12-09 22:48:00
Frank "Saazer" wrote:

Speechless... I can only say: "God bless you Hawkeye..."

262  Date: 2002-11-06 20:08:43
Isaria7 wrote:

yay this is a great a complete newbie to ultima online(im waiting for lord blackthorns revenge in the post as we speak)and this site is a font of information.great stuff.

261  Date: 2002-10-31 12:41:04
Niko wrote:

These are good sites...
I thank you for writing almost all of the text with morpheus font. It is very good font!

260  Date: 2002-10-28 03:27:10
Faethor Ferenczy wrote:

What a great site :) i had forgotten how much fun it was back then, starting out as a newb. Brings a tear to my eye, seeing those screenshots.... *Sniffle*

259  Date: 2002-10-24 01:47:54
Argile wrote:

This page is great, It reminds us of all the good times in UO, too bad they had to ruin it=(

258  Date: 2002-10-16 18:03:49
uojackass wrote:

Did you ever wish you had a list of all the shady people in UO, well now you do.. UO Jackass specializes in uncovering all those shady charachters in sosaria.. Site is sit under construction so check back frequently...

257  Date: 2002-10-16 03:25:10
McBain wrote:

256  Date: 2002-10-09 21:57:33
Matt wrote:

HEY GUYS im a GM Mage look me up my name is Gallan Dracos on Eurpa shad

255  Date: 2002-09-13 20:53:40
Nick wrote:

These are the sorts of guys that made UO worth playing, and having a good laugh in the process.
Great site hawkeye pike

254  Date: 2002-09-06 15:25:48
KugelBlitz wrote:

Ah, the good old times ...

253  Date: 2002-09-06 00:27:55
Warren Dunklin wrote:

I enjoyed your website. It was very useful as I consider whether to try UO or Everquest. My computer is a little older (950 MHz, only 128 MB RAM, 32 MB video). I played Gemstone 3 for a few years, but haven't played any online RPGs since 98. Any suggestions? Thanks.

252  Date: 2002-02-20 01:23:50
Axel wrote:

I admire Hawkeye Pike! I myself,am a smuggler in the Pacfic shard named Lacker. Could I get his e-mail adress?Please e-mail it!

251  Date: 2002-01-17 04:13:38
Birko wrote:

I'm running a similar sort of map utility for the Oceania shard, but it should dtill be useful to all players.

250  Date: 2002-01-15 15:04:11
Tedd wrote:

OUTSTANDING SITE! I only wish I was introduced to UO (And your site) before you decided to leave. I hope you return sometime in the future. I will keep this site in my favorites folder hoping for your return.

249  Date: 2001-12-26 13:39:13
JeZ wrote:

Real great page ;-)

248  Date: 2001-12-18 03:12:23
Marcus wrote:

Hi, Just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed reading your UO adventures. I have just started playing UO two months ago and I'm finding it to be very entertaining, there's just so much to explore!
Oh and thanks for the maps, very handy!
btw, if anyone reading this sees a guy on Europa called Max Aurelius, say hi!

247  Date: 2001-12-11 10:31:22
Sebastian wrote:

Have fun, bro!

246  Date: 2001-11-26 00:09:43
kheljoran wrote:

just checking site out, nice job on it

245  Date: 2001-11-16 16:17:33
Lonestar wrote:

Hail Thee.
I love your Page.But im sad i have heard about it too late so it will never been update anymore.But i can fully understand you that you quit.My Time is coming soon too cause Dark Ages of Camelot is calling me as European Beta Tester.
I tried AO but that was not the right thing for me.
Maybe we meet in a other game.
Good luck to you and may the winds take you wherever you like to go.

244  Date: 2001-11-11 03:44:12
Brandon (Zabar) wrote:

i was banned april of 2000 for scamming this rich tamer for 200 grand. I wasnt given a second chance. I had been playing for 2 years, and i had a lot of friends that helped not having any quests or new shit, everyday was new for us just messing around in the graveyard of britain. My small house in the graveyard was my most prized possession, i declined an offer of 1.5 million. My friends and i had a lot of fun pking, and just as much fun disarming and stealing from those rich punks with vanquishings and full valorite armor. But ive been banned, i go back on a friends account every once in a while.. last time i was there, the graveyard was bare, and where my house was, there was one big house, covering my and my enemy neighbor's old houses. I saw few people at all in felucia, and none at the most popular place to hang out, well i guess it used to be anyways. My friends tell me to come back, it will be like old times and we can make the graveyard alive again. But after all my work is gone, starting over would be a bad idea.... I was kind of known as the leader of my pack, a lot of people were in my guild, close friends i could co own to my house, and other friends filled my friends list so that it was full, but now its over *sniff* it was very fun though...

243  Date: 2001-11-04 20:03:06
Mutabor wrote:

Hi Mc Bykar

Dont know, if you remember me. (check your logs ;)
I want let you to know, that your site is excelent and thanks for the help (about 4 years ago)


242  Date: 2001-11-04 19:43:53
ALE wrote:

usefule and, more important, funny site ! very sorry u are leaving ... sigh

241  Date: 2001-10-26 14:36:33
Eivind wrote:

Excellent site. I wish I'd know about it sooner =) Both maps and travelogues are very good.

240  Date: 2001-08-03 14:39:38
Kamida wrote:

Eh, every time I see a new story I wanna give up UO for AO and I prolly will... as soon as I upgrade my computer this week. See ya there Hawkeye! ;)

239  Date: 2001-08-01 15:12:40
Sumthinxv wrote:

Man, your UO storys were great! I didn't even own UO and reading the stories made it seem like I was in the game. I hope your AO travelogues are as good as the UO travelogues. Good luck!

238  Date: 2001-07-21 17:23:43
Sandman wrote:

It's a good thing you put the UO stuff behind you now and took a fresh start. No matter how good and fun the UO Travelogues were, with the experience you have gained making those travelogues, this site can only be better.
I'm pretty sure it will prove to be super again.

Looking very forward in reading your stories :)


237  Date: 2001-07-20 12:57:51
Jasper wrote:

its graet to see your work is goin on! i guess i'll get AO in the next days so maybe we meet someday ingame!
you doing great work!! *thumbs up*

236  Date: 2001-06-30 01:59:05
Thrim (Mitch) wrote:

Hi! I hope you keep this site around even if you never touch UO again. It's great for nostaliga..I was just reading through old stories and couldn't believe how much I had forgotten.
So many good's almost depressing to see the state of the game and UP nowadays. I don't think there will ever be something to match the Simkin Oneye trial or that time we planted the communication crystal in the Rogue HQ and spied on their plans, setting up an ambush in the Jolly when they thought they'd surprise us. Not to mention all the battles against Trinsic, the Village, etc.
Those were the days....
Well, just saying hi and maybe sometime we can get together in AO or another game and remember old times =)

235  Date: 2001-06-29 09:59:19
Recoome wrote:

I loved you story titled "Hail to thee, traveler". Your right there are some good people in this game and in the real world also, you just got to look with open eyes and heart. Keep the stories comming. I can't get enough.

234  Date: 2001-06-27 20:13:11
Jasper wrote:

i'm still enjoying every vist!

233  Date: 2001-06-26 15:58:40
Valeria wrote:

I just watched your farewell movie. I agree that it has been very sad to watch the deterioration of UO. Speaking as a former counselor, UO was a fun game, but I think I will be checking out other RPG's as they become available. I have enjoyed your site and hope you continue it with your further adventures regardless of where they are. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face and sharing your experiences.

Valeria - Former Counselor for the Western Shards

232  Date: 2001-05-28 19:15:12
Radagast The Gran Maestre wrote:

great web site!
see my guild web site pls :) is good , the webmaster is my brother :)
long live for UO!!!

231  Date: 2001-05-08 06:15:34
Stel/Raistlin wrote:

Im sorry you leaving this is a good site lots of info but you right about becoming gm in a matter of days or a week I wish that it wasnt that easy the discovery of new things not yet know is no longer there its just mostly pvp and nothing more is the exitment of the game the monsters are boring to fight because i have a tamer and theres nothing to it any more its just "name and kill" and its dead within min if its strong. good luck finding a new game or somthing My icq # is 95778211

230  Date: 2001-05-04 00:14:29
Shadow wrote:

very nice web site :)

229  Date: 2001-05-01 21:56:56
BiShOp wrote:


228  Date: 2001-04-21 02:00:09
Asterix wrote:

Hate to see you go friend. Your webpage actually got me started playing Ultima Online. I remember coming here about 1 1/2 years ago. You really brought the world of Britannia alive and I knew I had to try this game out. I wish I had gotten to know you in game. I did meet you once though but we didn't really get a chance to talk. I know exactly how you felt when they canceled UO2 and my immediate reaction was to quit UO. But I have a hope that the demise of UO2 can somehow strengthen UO. I have not been playing UO lately and if some big change doesn't have soon i'm afraid i'll have to leave the game as well. Anyways I wish you the best of luck in whatever path you choose to take.

~Asterix of Catskills~
ICQ: 104049125

227  Date: 2001-04-20 20:30:44
Arcadian Del Sol wrote:

One of the best websites in both content and design.
Keep watching the developments - some things are coming to UO that address quite a few of the reasons you listed for leaving UO.

I look forward to being there when you return.


226  Date: 2001-04-19 16:57:38
dZi alias Dan wrote:

Ultima Online had so much promise and possibility, how on earth could any true RPG development team have messed up so badly... by limiting regular users to a static, nay... REPETITIVE environment which is mainly inhabited by children talking about Napster and how they are MaStA-KiLLahZ, shattering the world into two polar extremes of small bands of sincere RPGers and on the majority of lunatic minded little twits. I never activated my subscription past the introductory free month, the only reason I would have, would have been the Piratical Sailors I had the pleasure of drinking with (too few times) on Buc's (Catskills), who knew there was more to the game than building (yet MORE) homes and making 50 trips to the bank per day.

225  Date: 2001-04-18 18:54:43
Korekrash wrote:

Come see my free Ultima Online shard! Huge world based on Sarag's maps with original NPCs, items, etc!

224  Date: 2001-04-03 07:40:12
Silk Styles wrote:

I totally agree with you.. I have been playing Ultima Online for just about a month now have GMed and have no hope in getting a house because it would take too long to get the gold. So I have no reason to play. Just got 3rd Dawn no point playing it either. I just found your page and was to late!!! Its already closed. Well *sighs* Good Luck!!! Hope to meet sometime On Anarchy Online

223  Date: 2001-04-02 00:03:09
Yellowbeard alias Randy wrote:

Well Andreas, I have to say you were some of my inspiration to become a pirate in the first place. I saw your webside way back when and read about Mad Biker and then about you and Julian forming the U.P I saw an event on UO's event page, made a character on Catskills that morning and showed up. It's been a great 2.5 years matey. Funny thing about this internet stuff, we've never met in person but I feel like you're a friend. I understand why you left too, and must consider such an event myself one day. Ah well, perhaps this Anarchy Online must be looked into. :)

Arrr, solong ya ol' bilge rat. Harr *hic*

222  Date: 2001-03-31 15:30:11
Julian alias Hook wrote:

Dear Andy
i just want to thank you for all the great time we had together in Ultima Online.
I am sorry to see you leave , but i know your reasons and understand your decission !
Take care matey , i will see you again ...
if not in Ultima Online then in Anarchy Online

Yer old friend Hook

221  Date: 2001-03-29 15:33:48
Arsenik of Great Lakes wrote:

I'm sorry that the Travelogues is closing down, it has kept me entertained since I started UOing two years ago. I'm afraid though that I have to agree with you. I have 5 characters on Great lakes, I own a small tower and a guild. I have taken part in guild wars and have even tried out the faction system. i have raised four of those characters to GM level, but for what? To say i did it? I feel happy that i have done it but UO has lost its touch for me too.

Now that I hear that there's to be no events bigger than faction wars I figure UO has receded into a dark age. Non-roleplayers, people who exploit bugs, people who use 1337-5P3Ak, the OSI development staff, and the lack of unpdates have solied the game I believed would be a true role-playing experience. Sure, i've made some good friends, and a couple of enemies. I even ran with the United Pirates for a month or so as "Retornus the Red", but I seem to have "been there, done that, killed it" and nothing is new. UO2 looked brilliant, and I was really hoping for it. But now....

I believe one of the main faults of UO was the combat system. All the player has to do is double click on a monster, move next to it, and then wait until either it dies or he has to run away. Magery seemed the answer, but all it is is: "Double click on spell icon, click on monster, double click on spell icon, click on monster" ad infinitum! The reason games like half-life and Unreal Tournament are so big is that every situation is different, tactics will help you win, and it is you, not the computer using chance that causes the defeat of the enemy.

UO, I loved you, i worshiped you, I adored you. I ate, drank, slept and pissed UO, but no more. UO has left me, and now I go on my sepearate way. For those of you who have done the same and feel the same, I share your pain. I believe Arsenik and his friends may soon leave the lands of Ultima Online, and look towards the dawning sun, with hope in their eyes.

Well met, but fare thee well, UO.

220  Date: 2001-03-26 05:11:55
Greybeard of Pacific wrote:

I really want to say I am extremely sorry to see that you will not be updating your site anymore and I do wish that you will maintain the site as it exists as it was and is a great inspiration to many of my firends and guildmates. You have a wonderful site here and I sure hope that you will not remove it from the UO world out here on the internet. Thanks again for an extremely wonderful site, and I like you see this cancellation of UO2 to be an end of the Ultima Online game yet we will try with all our hearts to keep this game alive till its dying day. I have only reciently put up a site of my own but I have to say that I always loved your site, if for nothing else but to look back at how things were "back in the day". I and many of my guildmates will miss this site and any and all of its updates!! Thanks for keeping it here for so long and thanks for putting the Travelogues back up a while back when we all emailed you how much we loved them!!!
Thanks Again!!!!!!!!!!
Greybeard of Pacific

219  Date: 2001-03-25 18:38:11
hans wrote:

nice website man,
i am sorry to hear you quit playing,
the shard i play on got wiped two days ago
check it out maybe you ll like it

the medieval punisher (in game)

218  Date: 2001-03-24 22:17:57
Saverok wrote:

Farewell Travelogues...Hawkeye. :(
Your stories have been very enjoyable.
May you always find your wenches and ale.

217  Date: 2001-03-24 20:08:58
Hendril wrote:

Farewell Travelogs 8*(

I've been playing UO for about one and a half years now... It's been fun, but Origin has managed to totally destroy one of the best games ever.

UO2 promised to correct these mistakes with a fresh, new, untainted beginning.... But some idiot corperate big-wigs who know nothing about gaming decided to screw it up.

Well... I hope that UO fails totally and Origin is screwed.

216  Date: 2001-03-23 18:18:56
Ignatius Torkens wrote:

Hey leute,
warum denn so ne mega traurige untergangsstimmung ??
Es geht weiter... UO lebt, und bald hoffentlich noch mit dezimierten bugs..;-).
Das sollte man zumindest annehmen, wenn OSI sich jetzt "nur noch" auf UO konzentriert.
Also, es kann nur besser werden.

Fare well and met again in Britannia...

215  Date: 2001-03-23 15:37:58
Andreas wrote:

WEITERMACHEN NED AUFHÖREN! Mensch nur weil UO2 ned kommt ist doch UO ned zum aufhören gedacht sondern zum weiterspielen!

214  Date: 2001-03-23 13:55:13
Gavin wrote:

Dem kann ich mich nur anschliessen,die Page ist echt super,schade,schade :-(

213  Date: 2001-03-23 13:03:36
Jasper Finn wrote:

obwohl ich noch nie auf dieser page war und dich nie kennengelernt habe, ist es für mich ein ganz trauriger Moment!
die musik... *heul*

212  Date: 2001-03-23 10:24:42
Mucknog wrote:

Well, I decided to quit, too!
Hope I can beta test Anarchy Online!
I'll tell ya this game will rock, and kick UO's (maybe even UO2's) ass.
It will be in stores in April or June, so I'm looking forward to build up some kind of smuggling guild with you and some other former UO players!

CU all
Mucknog, Pirate

211  Date: 2001-03-23 10:18:31
Garth wrote:

i hope i will see you in a better world :-)
wir vergessen dich nicht und erhalten dein erbe aufrecht !!!!!
Garth Guildmaster BhA -Brotherhood of Adventure-

210  Date: 2001-03-23 08:26:35
Sandman wrote:

oh man...
that is so sad :( I really felt bad after reading you were quitting :)
gonna miss the site
have fun, I'm off :)

209  Date: 2001-03-16 13:46:05
Tenessee Shuffler wrote:

I'm new to UO and I love it. Your site is good too. I really appreciate all of the help I can find on the net!

208  Date: 2001-03-16 04:13:21
Tamer wrote:

all like 20 times i tried to watch you these past 3 days you have been offline plz email me when you are going to play from: to: thank you much and i respect you as a fellow uo player.

207  Date: 2001-03-08 07:01:23
Artemis Tenkana(Lake Sup.) wrote:

I would like to see the personality displayed on this site to manifest itself into the game itself. Trammel is littered with Vendors and shallow npcs. Its no wonder 90 percent of UO gamers prefer to kill over talking.

206  Date: 2001-03-01 07:50:51
Ryan wrote:

I thought your website was awsome!! Better than most, I found a lot of information on it, mostly the maps of everywhere. Keep this page running!


205  Date: 2001-02-27 09:55:15
A big fan wrote:

i think youre site is wery amasing and it got some god picks to of the 3 dawn =) but i have a qustion.
do you know any uo bugs cous I cant find any and i would like to know some especialy some about getting rezd wenn youre stat whitout lossing stats =) ill hope you answer me and you know some bugs i can use btw what server do you play on =) Cya

204  Date: 2001-02-20 23:23:39
Richard wrote:

This is the first time to your site, and I have to say I think it is one the best sites I've ever seen. The music is a realy nice tuch.

203  Date: 2001-02-17 12:26:38
Reto wrote:

Grat Page!

202  Date: 2001-02-07 02:07:39
phil wrote:

Thanks for your site. As a new player of UO, i need all the help I can get. Your site has been useful and entertaining. Again thanks, Phil aka Whopper, Grissom, Thrnzp, et al

201  Date: 2001-02-06 15:40:59
Sarrin GoL Recruiter Catskills wrote:

Great sight, one of the best and most informative I have seen to date. Good RP and stories too,


*To attack without knowing the enemies strength is foolish. To be warned and still attack is stupid. People who are that stupid, just dont deserve to live!*

200  Date: 2001-02-02 04:15:05
Cory wrote:

This sigh has been a little help buy do you know where other sights are (has more info in it)

199  Date: 2001-01-27 18:04:56
Thingamajig wrote:

It is a wonderful site, but I think you should get the UO watching thing ready /preeetty/ soon. That's all, Good luck!

198  Date: 2001-01-22 03:32:08
Jeff wrote:

nice page and good info

197  Date: 2001-01-20 12:19:33
Hops wrote:

GL and SP...
Gm in almost everything... = )

196  Date: 2001-01-18 23:53:06
Four T Niner wrote:

The origional 4t, just passing through looking for the elusive verite, Keep up the good work

195  Date: 2001-01-18 14:09:21
Romeo wrote:

Wow what can I say great site
best ever seen on the internet about UO!!
what time u usually play uo in pst?
I've been trying to watch u but everytime I log in u never play, Nice song that u have in here mind sharing me the title?

194  Date: 2001-01-17 19:40:07
Kioshi wrote:

Great site! I enjoy watching you play when I am at work and unable to play myself! *laughs*

193  Date: 2001-01-17 12:13:18
Lazarus wrote:

I've only just begun to explore this wonderful site.I have made it a favorite site and will share the URL with my friends.

192  Date: 2001-01-17 01:14:28
Galen wrote:

Great Site. Thumbs up! Your travelogues are top rate and the music adds that special touch.

191  Date: 2001-01-17 00:49:50
Jessica wrote:

Watching you play UO will be awsome.
Thanks for adding it to the site.

190  Date: 2001-01-16 23:12:53
Giles wrote:

Hey!Cool place!
What Shard do u play on?
What's the name of the song thats playing here?
hehe sorry bout my interrogation sounding questions!

189  Date: 2001-01-16 15:50:59
Derek wrote:

Great website and I love the content, but I am still in search of the ulitmate pirate character template.

Derek Dastous
player of Guab, Orc Rogue, follower of Kor
TeRehn of UOSS forums and boards

188  Date: 2001-01-16 06:41:33
Dagger wrote:

I'v been coming to this site for a while now and I gotta say that I love that music. Dont take it off no matter what all these other people say. Its just one part of this site that keeps me coming back. If they want it off then they can drag their lazy hand over to the midi off button and click it. Another reason you should keep it is because it, for some reason, makes the stories better. Yes... keep the music.

187  Date: 2001-01-16 02:57:36
Drake wrote:

Well damn! Im blown out of the water. The entire uocam simply blows me away. Incredible job. I have to say, if ya feel like passing the uocam script over this way feel free, but in any case.. Great job. Taker easy.
GM Mage Napa Valley

186  Date: 2001-01-16 00:54:32
Alan the Barkeep wrote:

Incredible. The one word used to describe the site. Usually midis make me sick and turn off my speakers but this music is quite good. The stories and adventrues are incredible. Greazt job.

185  Date: 2001-01-15 21:44:49
Tony wrote:

Jesus dude take off that anoying midi file ARG i hate those things! all in all nice page cept that hehe

184  Date: 2001-01-15 18:13:47
Azuth of Selune (uo) wrote:

Nice site! Nice music! :) I love the stories!
Keep this up,and I´ll be here often...

183  Date: 2001-01-15 18:03:31
Fuschia wrote:

Very good site, keep the standards high and I will visit often :)

182  Date: 2001-01-15 17:02:47
Grimes wrote:

Liked your Khaldun stuff.. any plans to update it with secrets marked?

BTW... you can recall out of Khaldun.. its on a "Britannia" server not t2a server, even tho the dungeon is supposed to be in t2a. So when players tried to recall to a t2a location when it first opened they failed.
Now it doesn't matter

181  Date: 2001-01-15 13:26:19
Dave Shibley(Shibs On pac) wrote:

Nice!!!! I enjoyed your site and will be back.

180  Date: 2001-01-15 07:50:44
Alex wrote:

Great Site man. I love the stories.

179  Date: 2001-01-15 07:24:07
Jedidiah wrote:

Thank you so much for all of these great stories. I haven't read all of them yet but I most surely will. I started with and finished all of the dungeon stories and hoped to find more then discovered how many more. The one that caught my eye was the new thief calling the guards on himself at the same time calling you a fool. Funny funny stuff. Thanks for taking the time to put all of this together. My tricorn is off to you. *bows*

178  Date: 2001-01-15 06:53:08
Me wrote:

Please Please Please, ur site is cool, except for that music in the back ground, Yes I see the midi off button, but thats just one more mouse click closer to my carpul tunnel syndrom lol, so pleaase, take it off, we can totally do without it

177  Date: 2001-01-15 06:15:02
Jackson of Hokuto wrote:

Great Site! Love the background music. Ill be back to read all of the other stories. Keep this page going, great to read!

176  Date: 2001-01-12 10:35:23
Dagger wrote:

Again I must say you have a really nice site here. I like the live cam thing but the stories make this site the best.

175  Date: 2001-01-12 04:12:03
Hawkwind wrote:

When I read your site it takes me back to my first days in Ultima Online. I remember when traversing the swamps to get from Vesper to Britain wasn't an everyday thing but a grand adventure. I remember when I first traveled in the Britain sewers and killed the rats there. Truly, thank you for bringing the life back to Sosaria for me again.


174  Date: 2001-01-11 19:11:19
MrSchneepflug wrote:

Hello, very good idea.

173  Date: 2000-12-29 20:13:34
sandra nashed wrote:

I haven't played UO yet as my 15-year-old won't give me a turn! I read your ideas for a "perfect" game...very cool for advanced players, who will plan outside the game, kind of like my friends tell me Dungeons and Dragons used to be! Thanks for a GREAT site!!

172  Date: 2000-12-19 10:48:59
\/\/ 2 4 |T |-| wrote:

i want ur bot

171  Date: 2000-12-18 22:11:25
George wrote:

Wow folks, I REALLY enjoyed your site and essays, especially the one on The Ten char types. I'll be back again and again to slowly work my way through the rest of your works lol

170  Date: 2000-12-17 16:15:56
Nochmal der Muck wrote:

Das Midi-Gedudel auf der Pirates of Buccaneer's Den kenn ich...
Das ist doch von Pirates Gold oder!


169  Date: 2000-12-17 16:02:27
Mucknog wrote:

Ich hab mir mal die Piratenseite von Euch angeschaut...
Muß ja echt ne Schweinearbeit gewesen sein!!!
Witzige rulez habt Ihr außerdem!!! ;-)
Man sieht sich auf Catskills...
Ich denke du möchtest eh noch eine Revenge für meine vorhergehenden Erniedrigungen bezüglich deiner HTML Fähigkeiten ;-)

Der UO Hasser Mucknog

168  Date: 2000-12-16 17:53:36
Mucky wrote:

Das is ja wohl die erbärmlichste Website die ich in meinem Leben gesehen habe! Schäm dich!

Dein dir weit überlegener Bruder

167  Date: 2000-12-13 19:46:04
nick B wrote:

sup this is my favorite website. i dont have uo but my friend does and i play it at his house. I LOVE THIS WEBSITE!!!!!!!!

166  Date: 2000-12-10 00:05:13
Peter wrote:

Excellent Site!! Quality like this is becoming rare!

165  Date: 2000-12-07 00:57:43
Jake wrote:

This is a kick butt site. I like the travelogues. I like the early ones (mad biker,mcbykar) a lot.

164  Date: 2000-12-04 10:19:26
dZi wrote:

Great site! I'm going to purchase UO soon because this site has gotten me excited about the idea of playing UO (I had played Ultima VII years ago, but I didn't even know there was an UO until I stumbled across this site) ;) keep up the excellent work!

163  Date: 2000-12-02 07:48:45
Landon wrote:

Nice site. I'll be coming back.

162  Date: 2000-11-20 01:16:07
Brandon wrote:

this oage is great i there will be more added on

161  Date: 2000-11-15 00:28:49
David wrote:

I really love your site! Its very well done and one of the best UO sites i've ever been to. What really interests me are the hawkeye pike stories, those are really great, i hope you keep coming up with new adventures to write about.

Dave of Cali

160  Date: 2000-10-26 03:45:53
Shadows wrote:

Really nice site. Well designed. I will be back. PS-I used to live in Germany down south. More Pirate drinking stories. LOL

159  Date: 2000-10-11 11:27:16
pierce wrote:

i really like the storys

158  Date: 2000-10-10 01:26:59
Dauthi wrote:

Well i am very impressed with the site. I hope will meet one day.

157  Date: 2000-10-09 20:49:21
LIZEHNG wrote:


156  Date: 2000-10-03 02:59:35
Drakath wrote:

This is the most enjoyable UO webpage around. I love the adventurers guide. The Travelogues are interesting but not too long or wordy.

155  Date: 2000-10-03 01:39:08
Darksied wrote:

Hi, I am very pleased that you are still updating this page. I sent 8 emails out today telling people to update thier 1998-1999 pages or get rid of them. Its hard to find anything new when you got crap from 1998 to sort through.

154  Date: 2000-09-29 13:59:02
Bootae wrote:

Great site, LMAO at the day in Felucca. *farts* LOL

153  Date: 2000-09-29 04:28:02
Killer-pUp wrote:

Just wanted to say that the website site is preatty kool and just keep updating it. I like this web site alot

152  Date: 2000-09-28 21:51:30
BeAsTiE BoY wrote:

nice site will be back to read everything so much material and nicely laid out =)

151  Date: 2000-09-27 02:41:59
Seth Turtle (ic) wrote:

This page rules!

150  Date: 2000-09-20 03:39:35
Rodack OneEye (LS) Red Dragons wrote:

You have made an Outstanding site! Thank You!

149  Date: 2000-09-15 13:24:37
Princess Inena wrote:

great job! cool site!
keep up the good work!

148  Date: 2000-09-15 12:19:18
Roland of Napa Vally wrote:

I like this site. And I just love the backround music. Would anyone know where I could get it?

147  Date: 2000-09-15 00:31:21
Danari wrote:

I like this site. It helps a lot. The Guide section is great.

146  Date: 2000-09-13 19:49:13
Mike wrote:

Just wanted to say hello and a wonderful job on the site!

145  Date: 2000-09-13 07:47:40
Ody wrote:

Just checking on the new stuff. :)

144  Date: 2000-09-13 06:44:57
tasha wrote:

i really enjoyed your site! i learned alot form it. i have been playing ultima for 2 years, but i feel like a newbie! there is so much that i have yet to experiance in the game! that is why i like it so much! thank you and keep up the great work! tasha

143  Date: 2000-09-13 02:52:53
Grindy wrote:

Pretty much never bother with Guestbooks, but felt I had to here...
This is a really well-done site... congratulations.
Very nice

142  Date: 2000-09-09 19:51:30
Drakath wrote:

Love your Guide section. Especialy the landmarks and places of interest sections.

141  Date: 2000-08-01 11:12:00
Spartacus wrote:

this page kicks ass!!!!

140  Date: 2000-07-30 17:43:00
Belgor wrote:

I like the Travelogues allot. And went on my own pilgrimage from time to time. Great site

139  Date: 2000-07-26 14:07:00
Clomack wrote:

L'impostazione va abbastanza bene ma non è mollto chiara anzi per nulla. :P

138  Date: 2000-07-19 01:36:00
jose hr. wrote:


137  Date: 2000-07-18 01:20:00
Zachary wrote:

Check out my guilds websight at
we are a Lake Superior guild, and are always looking forward to new inquirees :)
add us to your list of links if you wish.

136  Date: 2000-07-04 17:04:00
Admiral Ruffie Windjammer wrote:

Ahoy there! Just sailing by, and I thought I'd drop a note complimenting you on a great site. I'll be back to read up on some of those travelogues when I can. And I'll be addin' a link to your site on me own, the next time I update! Good sailing to thee!

135  Date: 2000-06-28 20:35:00
The Kind Spammer, GM Warrior wrote:

i enjoyed your page although i have not read the whole thing yet i will be sure to come back and read more into it. If you are ever playing on the Sonoma shard be sure to look for a Spammer and I will be glad to help you in any way. Well I guess i better go now fair thee well


134  Date: 2000-06-26 21:00:00


133  Date: 2000-06-14 20:07:00
Richard wrote:

Hail there! I can't find an email adress to you anywhere..? I wanted to email you to ask you if I could repost some of your stuff an a guild page I manage in return for a link??Plz email me :) Thx

132  Date: 2000-06-06 07:17:00
Dr.Dolittle wrote:

Bin im Teradungeon schon fast zuhause und hab bis auf einen unerreichbaren Raum(nicht Sternenraum) einfach alles im Dungeon erforscht.Um den Dungeon in Ruhe anschauen zu können ist es fast besser ein Geist zu sein an gewissen Stellen.Ganz hinten sind sicher 100 Opsis und 2 Drachen und einige drakes.
Melde Dich doch mal dann mach ich Rundgang mit Dir.
Nimm keine Figur mit die nicht sterben darf :) .

131  Date: 2000-06-02 04:35:00
Sir Mark Of Catskills wrote:

Great Site!

130  Date: 2000-05-29 02:32:00
Walt wrote:

Great site, very detailed and well thought out. I am interested in putting a link to my UltiMarket on your page and would also put one to your page on mine, Email me and let me know. I am only working on the Sonoma Shard right now.

129  Date: 2000-05-27 23:11:00
Dark Wolf(Atlantic) wrote:

Go post all your ideas for a perfedt online game on UWO:O (UO2) devboard! on

128  Date: 2000-05-26 18:12:00
Winfield, Mayor of PaxLair wrote:

A wonderful site and one which I have added a link to on our PaxLair City Site, Chesapeake. The Travelogue is linked on our front page on the "news" drop down box.

Your efforts here to offer wonderful stories, guides, and services to the adventuring public are outstanding!!


Winfield, Mayor of PaxLair on Chesapeake

127  Date: 2000-05-21 07:24:00
Lawrence wrote:

Love the game/love this site

126  Date: 2000-05-21 04:24:00
NeNee wrote:

Great site.

125  Date: 2000-05-08 23:49:00
Starsoul wrote:

Very good site. And very funny lol

Keep on the good work!!

The Admirable Starsoul, Master Warrior

124  Date: 2000-04-26 17:22:00
Danny wrote:

ahoy mate, dis is danny. ah hopes yeh has gewd sailin en happy times while takin ah break frum da pirates. ahm glad yer nut permanently quittin. it's gewd tuh take occassional breaks and do yer own ting. i'll look forward to yer visits to the jolly roger inn. eben dou yer nut dead er going away forever, ah will still say dis as ah old pirate quote "gewd sailin and happy plunders where you're going mate!"

123  Date: 2000-04-26 10:54:00
Ian McNealy wrote:

Beautiful work. Please e-mail me or ICQ me at 32515060. I wish to have a word with you. Your work is beautiful. Excellent!

122  Date: 2000-04-12 10:55:00
Keeper wrote:

Your web site is a great. I'd like to know whether you (and everybody who is reading this) like to help me - I'm collecting stories for a Quire of Legends. I'd be glad if you could write and send me your stories. These stories can be simple events which have occured in the Ultima Online. (home page not available yet)

121  Date: 2000-04-08 07:06:00
arutha/Aldar wrote:

I've been checking this page for years and I just realized I never signed the guestbook. Just wanted to say its a hell of a page--this is how I found the Pirates in the first place:)

120  Date: 2000-04-02 12:29:00
Fafhrd wrote:

Wow, this is a great place y'all got going here. I'ma gonna tell my friends.

119  Date: 2000-03-25 00:32:00
Macoo wrote:

Check out this great UO shard! Play UO for free! and its legal! Sound good eh? come join us!!!

118  Date: 2000-02-27 00:29:00
Sebastian Stift wrote:

Hi there.
I think that you are doing a great job and go on like this. I just ave a question. Would it be possible for you to send me that font?

117  Date: 2000-02-20 09:49:00
Le Grimmace wrote:

You've made us proud laddy!

116  Date: 2000-02-16 09:09:00
Quick wrote:

Nice site man, got some really interesting stuff here. I really like your work.

115  Date: 2000-01-29 01:15:00
Bad Karma wrote:

I love your site!!! I have never played UO, but I still found much excitement in reading your stories.
Tnx for the entertainment!
Good Luck with UO!!

114  Date: 2000-01-21 00:46:00
dyingfish wrote:

I like reading your stories , but you need to put more out at a time.

113  Date: 2000-01-20 11:11:00
Orri wrote:

cool page I have met Storm Silverhand in AD&D

112  Date: 2000-01-16 01:16:00
nagash wrote:

i heard, that it is possible to play uo on ur disk. i mean not over an uo-server just with the npc.
how can i do this???? please mail me

111  Date: 2000-01-07 04:10:00
mrmime wrote:

you rule

110  Date: 2000-01-07 02:36:00
kokoscka wrote:

cool site i read all the logs and found out my neighbor in yew used to be the murderer Drizzt'Do Urdan the mage

109  Date: 2000-01-05 20:06:00
Steve McCusker wrote:

Awesome site. U/O is one of the best RPG's in the world.

108  Date: 2000-01-01 04:24:00
blastman77 wrote:


107  Date: 1999-12-13 23:28:00
kern wrote:

I whit to jorn the shadowclan

106  Date: 1999-12-06 21:50:00
Jason wrote:

Very interesting page, I enjoy the pics

105  Date: 1999-11-24 02:13:00
Bendrin wrote:

Great page. I started to play this UO after reading it. My start in UO has not been all too good so far. I play on Catskills. I really don't know anyone there and I could use some companions and help. I try to talk and meet people but they just ignore me. And walking out of town just gets me killed. Well thanks for the great page of adventures I hope to have some myself.

104  Date: 1999-11-23 16:17:00
Rosco wrote:

Excellent site, read all the travelogues. Good job.
Chessy Shard

103  Date: 1999-11-22 23:48:00
Gustav II wrote:

Swedish Knight`s of Justice rules Euoropa shard!!

102  Date: 1999-11-22 23:34:00
Sir Attila and Mandy wrote:


101  Date: 1999-11-17 22:51:00
LS Broker wrote:

Very nice homepage.
For player looking for houses check the link to see, what we can offer!
Shard: Drachenfels
Thanx a lot and fare thee well
LS Broker

100  Date: 1999-11-10 12:12:00
kill'em all wrote:

great site . i look through your top 45 some what and it reminded me of a few weeks ago when i went out of town . i was driving on the highway and i saw a big cliff , and i imediatly thought " i can mine there " thne i realized i wasent playing .
hehe , keep up the good work on the site

99  Date: 1999-11-03 00:16:00
Lupo wrote:

great page

98  Date: 1999-10-15 04:02:00
Micah wrote:

What a cool page. It was a little confusing to fing out on which shards the guilds listed were in, so sorting them by shard my be a good idea. Everything else rocked. Anyone interested in joining a guild on Lake Supirior called the Army of the 12 Monkeys
give me an email at .Power to the people:}

97  Date: 1999-09-27 21:27:00
Deephroath wrote:

Very Cool page, good layout, and very informative

96  Date: 1999-09-25 01:31:00
Slytor Cxiace wrote:

er s'pose ya are da United P'rates Guuild M'ster.
Irm friends with your former matey, William Wallace. I want to join da United PIrates, an I do certain! ma name is Slytor Cxiace on UO 'n' I'm waitin at the Jolly Roger for ya.

95  Date: 1999-09-23 00:15:00
Drake wrote:

Hey, I read what you said about mining. The big piles aren't all that good. The medium-sized piles are the worst, weighing 7 stones and producing only 1 ingot. The big piles weigh 12 stones and produce 2 ingots. That's 6 stones an ingot. The small piles are the best. They weigh 2 stones each, and it only takes 2 piles(not 5, like you said) to produce 1 ingot. That's only 4 stones per ingot, so you can carry more at a time. I'm a miner, so I've had many hours to figure this out.

94  Date: 1999-09-16 23:25:00
Gargoyle of VBN (Cats) wrote:

Hey there, I love the pic of Papa Pump. I killed him long ago... it was a great reminder.

93  Date: 1999-09-08 19:15:00
Chris wrote:

Your stories are extremely entertaining, thrilling, thought-provoking, adventurous, and, in many cases, heart warming. I am glad I was able to find your page to read them. Your UO updates are on par with Origin's page, as well. Keep up the great work!

92  Date: 1999-09-05 14:04:00
Pixie wrote:

Love the page design, also very informative. I welcome you to come to my page, although I am only beginning to understand web design, but I dedicate my time now to writing stories about Ultima.

91  Date: 1999-08-25 13:33:00
Homer [DGR] wrote:

thats a great page. Maybe one of the greatest I`ve ever seen. Congrats. :)

Guildmaster DGR

90  Date: 1999-08-17 16:18:00
Barog'nule, Wahju WarGoth wrote:

Hahaha! I'm still laughing from your humor section!

89  Date: 1999-08-07 00:21:00
Sir'ko wrote:

Everybody want to help pne italian novice...please call!!!
All this is wonderful...

88  Date: 1999-08-06 04:20:00
Blackbeard McDug wrote:

This is sooooo good keep up the good work PLEASE

87  Date: 1999-07-26 06:27:00
noone wrote:

Liked the stories. You should make more. Bye.

86  Date: 1999-07-24 23:53:00
Lisa wrote:

I like this page a lot. It's fun to look at. :)

85  Date: 1999-07-22 15:48:00
IvanaHumpalot wrote:


84  Date: 1999-07-21 22:34:00
nome wrote:

The FCB has sent you a postcard!

You may pick up your postcard at this address:

83  Date: 1999-07-19 05:31:00
Connor wrote:

I still enjoy reading the travelogues, even after the 4th time. If you get your registration problem fixed up and begin to play on Seige Perilous again, I'd be happy to provide you with tailored or bowcrafted goods, perhaps even provide an adventuring companion. Skara Brae is the place to be!!

82  Date: 1999-07-16 00:13:00
Harold wrote:

Hi. I really liked "Hail to Thee, Traveller". I am slowly working my way through as I have time here and there. Thanks.

81  Date: 1999-07-05 02:53:00
Harold - Nova wrote:

I love your stories. Keep up the good work. Thanks.

80  Date: 1999-06-24 10:28:00
Pete wrote:

These travelogues helped me a lot to get started with the game. I didn't know there was so much to discover in this game. It's great that you publish screenshots with your stories, makes reading easier :)

79  Date: 1999-06-24 05:02:00
Drone wrote:

I didnt like this web site, nothing good about it and difficult to navigate

78  Date: 1999-06-18 01:40:00
Asmodius wrote:

Man, i really have enjoyed your page. very enformative. Nice layout too.
i was wondering if you could include my guild under your guild section. it is:
Sterling Order of Knights
on the lake superior server.
that'd be real cool.
thanks again, love the page.

77  Date: 1999-06-08 17:14:00
Joker's Wild, From Atlantic wrote:

Hail to thee,
Thou has created a quite entertaining website...
I love that "Fun" stuff in tah Library page. I always knew that UO Life could be made funny. Why dont you make another one of those "real bad day journal". that was the funniest. Once Again. Great website.

76  Date: 1999-06-04 04:21:00
Marlena wrote:

Time is of the essence please hurry to fix thou site.Thy interest is of encouraging meaning to the future!!Did I forget to mention great sit!!!!
: ]

75  Date: 1999-06-02 15:42:00
Sepp wrote:

Hi brother man!
What's up?

74  Date: 1999-05-31 21:46:00
Gus wrote:

Great page! Brilliant stories!

73  Date: 1999-05-23 06:00:00
Voivod wrote:

I loved the 10 Generic UO Character types. Hit the head of the nail more than a few times there!

72  Date: 1999-05-21 15:36:00
Bonnie wrote:

please put the cats velvet paws story back up. Thank you

71  Date: 1999-05-19 04:11:00
SHADOW wrote:


70  Date: 1999-04-30 22:26:00
john wrote:

this is great my uncle let me play at his house .
afew weeks ago I got so adicted to the game the only thing i think about is when Ican get the game.
So I have been online checking out all the cool
web sites on the game

69  Date: 1999-04-29 15:02:00
Siebenblatt wrote:

Hail to thee,
your travelogues are wonderful. Its good to know,
thats somebody out there, who saw the world of
sosaria with open eyes. I will come back soon.

Siebenblatt from Drachenfels

68  Date: 1999-04-24 17:05:00
Sir Drake Maxxis wrote:

Hey where can I get some macros for UO so I can bring my magery up

67  Date: 1999-04-24 02:22:00
Kitten wrote:

I have been posting everywhere to let Pike know that Kitten has not left him. She went to work on her bard skills. thats all

66  Date: 1999-04-20 00:15:00
strawberry wrote:

Great Page! :)

If you know of a way to get your dex up fast-e-mail me plzz! Fishing just don't work!

65  Date: 1999-04-16 04:43:00
-=Top_Cat=- wrote:

Hi, I am gonna buy Ultima Online tomorow, this is gonna be great!!! My friend owns it and keeps buggin me about buyin it so I am.
Awsome page, I dont think I have seen a better one, good info specialy for us beginers.
If u have time please send me some basic info.

64  Date: 1999-04-15 22:51:00
brad wrote:

was just looking for a new uo sight to visit thought
i would visit yours you have constructed a very good sight some arnt even this good you give good information and tips i have uo and play it quit a bit so you do have some interesting stuff that can help my friends out but not me really i dont know everything but i know my share of the hard times and good times in uo thx

63  Date: 1999-04-14 04:47:00
Corp por wrote:

Hiya very nice page, oh im a good person and a good char and im also looking for a guild on catskills i have icq 20106018

62  Date: 1999-04-13 20:32:00
Washu wrote:

This is an excellent site! I LOVE that Night Before Christmas poem, and the Ten Character types! I couldn't help but laugh!

61  Date: 1999-04-11 19:33:00
Draegar wrote:

Well done, sir! I must say, your skill in a dungeon is outmatched by only the style of this site. It's refreshing to see a player who TRULY loves the game. Bravo!

60  Date: 1999-03-25 00:41:00
Kitten wrote:

the velvet paws story is not working yet, lookin forward to it :)

59  Date: 1999-03-24 17:36:00
Aaron wrote:

This is the best UO page ive seen now i dont have to go all the way to yew from brit to get in the new land thanks

58  Date: 1999-03-22 11:48:00
Invisigoth wrote:

Ich liebe deine HP, eine der wenigen dinge die sich nicht zum schlechten veraendert haben in UO. Weiter so.


57  Date: 1999-03-22 04:54:00
Kitten wrote:

Love the stories. See ya soon I hope. purrrrrrrr

56  Date: 1999-03-18 22:04:00
John wrote:

Sweet stuff add somemore things like monsters and crap. Give more info. and stuff for newbies. But over all hey man nice site i liked it and so did my friends

55  Date: 1999-03-18 04:56:00
Caius wrote:

I must agree with an earlier guest, the final reason I bought UO was because of all the great stories on your page. Hope to see you in Catskills, Vesper.

54  Date: 1999-03-12 17:40:00
Markee wrote:

The Master Merchants Association is conducting a study on the new Necromantic Reagents that will soon be appearing on all shards. We have a list of all of the currently known necromantic reagents and we now need help from players as to suggested pricing when selling these new reagents.
Also this weekend we are building a list of all the new potions that can be made by alchemists. If you have any information on the new potions we would love to hear from you. You can email us at or visit our website at

Thank you and best regards.
Master Merchants Association

53  Date: 1999-03-11 22:48:00
Silver Wolf wrote:

Great page, I have to say the only reason i bought UO cause of hearing about your travles. I hope to meet your characters someday. I will try to make the realm a good place and learn much as you have done in your travels and I hope to read some new stories.

52  Date: 1999-03-11 14:19:00
Marijn de JOng wrote:

Continue with your travelogues, they are great. But do something about the menu, cause it is nice but not done.

51  Date: 1999-03-05 20:44:00
Rob Roy wrote:

I have no coments about your side. It`s perfect work. well done from u. I bet u spent alot of time on it. I quite UO some weeks ago, but it is fun to get the the best news from your side. If we have better transfer raitings in germany i`ll start again. Thx for your fantastic work. Hope to see u once.

50  Date: 1999-02-23 20:21:00
Erick wrote:

check out my othe rsite at and wrote me a email in my slambook you ahve a nice site and Uo is a pimp ass game

49  Date: 1999-02-08 19:42:00
Mike wrote:

I dont know if you read these but I can say this is my absolute favorite page to come to when I want to wander the land of sosaria. This pages tavelogue is marvelous and I just cant get enough of it. Is there any way I can get to the older pages of the travelogue? I really miss reading those pages and any way that I could get to them would be wonderful!

48  Date: 1999-01-25 04:03:00
chris wrote:

great page, i loved reading all the stories and the info for "newbies" like myself was greatly helpful. My only suggestion is to keep on getting more stories from different people.

47  Date: 1999-01-24 01:07:00
Phil wrote:

Thank you! I was getting a little discouraged by the game until I read through your page. I will let you know how i do.

46  Date: 1999-01-15 01:38:00
David wrote:

Great site you have :D

45  Date: 1999-01-13 18:57:00
Chris wrote:

cool site. = ]

44  Date: 1999-01-12 18:03:00
Josh wrote:

very informative....good site...I'm a newbie in the game and am always looking for ways to increase my survivability

43  Date: 1999-01-10 18:46:00
Chris wrote:

This page is GREAT!!!!!!!

42  Date: 1999-01-05 16:18:00
Max wrote:

Nice page, it helped me a lot !!!!!!!!!!

41  Date: 1998-12-28 03:15:00
Gabriel wrote:

E' uno dei migliori siti per Ultima Online.

40  Date: 1998-12-24 22:19:00
Darkon wrote:

Your page is the best ive seen so far keep up the kick ass work

39  Date: 1998-12-11 17:30:00
Zirlon wrote:

Well met,

I like your site, and noticed that you have several Catskills Guilds. I was wondering if you could add our Guild to your list. ( )

Thanks and good hunting...

38  Date: 1998-11-23 01:50:00
Iain from Scotland wrote:

Just started playing uo enjoying it but as a newbie i am fed up being pkd. The only other problem is the lag that i suffer , anyone else had bad lag problems on Europa?. Great site with lots of helpful info for a newbie like me.

37  Date: 1998-11-15 22:34:00
Georg wrote:

Youre page is very helpfull for playing UO.
Keep up the good work

36  Date: 1998-11-14 19:44:00
savitay wrote:


35  Date: 1998-11-06 19:39:00
Kenneth wrote:

i like this page. please tell me how to create my own guild. the book is not very help full.

34  Date: 1998-10-25 18:01:00
Angel wrote:

I do like your page. One of the BEST on line. Very helpful.
Thank you

33  Date: 1998-10-22 07:51:00
Kal wrote:

I've been out of UO for about 3-4's nice to see that when I came back that there is still one webpage that get updated regularly...Thank you : )

32  Date: 1998-10-18 17:20:00
Smets wrote:

good site with lots of information


31  Date: 1998-10-06 03:15:00
Adam wrote:

I just visited your Ultima Online page and it is great! I found it really helpful and interesting! Your page has encouraged me to make my own, if you check it out you will see that it really sucks, but I am a beginner at HTML and all that. I want to learn to make frames and such. Also to learn more HTML. If you have any tips and/or comments, please let me know! Thanks for everything!

Sess (Adam)

30  Date: 1998-09-21 15:58:00
Chu wrote:

I love uo, too bad i can't afford it!

29  Date: 1998-09-09 20:50:00
Reda wrote:

I love UO

i like too be a mage

28  Date: 1998-08-31 19:41:00
Durandal_DE wrote:

Keep this up guys... this page is the most complete i've ever seen yet... :)

27  Date: 1998-08-30 03:10:00
Buffinstein wrote:

this site kicks ass.
keep up the good work.
i've seen a lot off uo sites but this one is the best there is

26  Date: 1998-08-28 17:13:00
Arwin wrote:

hi mad biker remember me?
great homepage, read only a couple stories but they are really nice.

25  Date: 1998-08-23 21:05:00
David wrote:

CoOl PaGe.......

24  Date: 1998-08-22 21:41:00
Death Night wrote:

Your page is great it has realy helped me. I have had UO for about 2 weeks and I did not realy know what to do. After I found your page I realy started to do better.

Death Night

23  Date: 1998-08-21 01:15:00
Mike wrote:

Great Page Kepp It Up!

22  Date: 1998-08-17 21:42:00
Tay Trenfenwyd wrote:

I have been reading your travel logs for some time now. I was greatly relieved that you stayed in our world after your loss. I am also a resident of the shard know as Catskills. My race you know as the Elves of the GlamerVelt. I invite you to visit us sometime. The Glade has not been active much during the summer months but you may find some elves at Kent's Last Pint, a tavern in Yew. So please, do not hesitate to contact me via pigeon(his name is 7401229). Perhaps we may go hunting together.


Tay Trenfenwyd, Master Alchemist of the Velt

21  Date: 1998-08-15 22:27:00
Lancer wrote:

Hey man this is the best UO site I have ever
seen in my life.

20  Date: 1998-08-14 12:38:00
Vanity wrote:

I want to say that your travelogue is the ABSOLUTE BEST!!! I opened the travelogue a long time ago, about 6 months and started through it. I believe I got to the end at that time and was so engrossed by its tales that hours had passed. It is wonderful....then sadly I lost the url and have been searching again for it ever since. I am SO glad I have found it again and cant wait to read the whole story completely again. Best of its kind and I read them all!!!!

19  Date: 1998-08-11 08:18:00
Samurai-Slayer wrote:

Your site is the best ive ever seen!!!!! it convinced me of getting ultima online so bad now look at what im playing. An excellent game that kicks ass:)...

18  Date: 1998-08-11 01:37:00
Rick wrote:

I was looking at the tips on mining and noticed some differences from what I'm actually seeing in the game. Has this been updated recently? The most ingots I get from a large pile is 2, always. Is that due to my skill not being high enough? Are large piles capable of producing 5 ingots? Also, I didn't see the Large Blacksmith on the home listings. Thank you, I was able to find alot of info here.

17  Date: 1998-07-20 02:45:00
J.Birtz wrote:

reading these stories has shown me that your character iptomized everything that everyone should aspire to in the world of brittania. i too hope to seek the same goals and accomplish the same things as you. keep playing and writing stories. thanx

16  Date: 1998-07-17 08:56:00
Andruil wrote:

Hey, a new travelogue! I am so glad you continue playing. And I'm especially glad you write more stories!!!

15  Date: 1998-07-08 10:49:00
Tina wrote:

Thank God you're back!
I am looking forward to reading some of your new travelogues!

14  Date: 1998-07-02 19:30:00
Sentosa wrote:

Hello, this is a great page about UO, I really love
it, great job buddy! Very resourceful and helpful.
Keep it up. Anyway, if you happen to have a Macro
Program for UO, please contact me, thanks!

13  Date: 1998-07-02 15:29:00
Wang wrote:

This Page is the BOMB!!!!! it is awesome! This is the best UO site i have ever been to!!!

12  Date: 1998-07-01 18:02:00
Ungläubiger Thomas wrote:

Ich glaubs nicht daß eine der besten Ultima Seiten aufhören soll! Schau mal wieviele Leute Deine Seite anschauen und überleg es dir nochmal! Ich kanns noch immer nicht glauben.

11  Date: 1998-07-01 13:43:00
Drakehunter wrote:


10  Date: 1998-07-01 12:05:00
Mango King wrote:

This is the most cool site I've seen! Read your travelogues 4 times already. Keep up the work! Don't quit!!!

8  Date: 1998-06-29 11:24:00
Andruil wrote:

I don't believe it! You quit? Damn OSI, they really don't give a shit about us. I will miss your stories! I guess I will take the next opportunity to follow you!

7  Date: 1998-06-27 22:15:00
Rhodry wrote:

Great site!

Almost everything on this site is extremly fun to red.
You should make a map if you can and show the places where you have been like that courtroom and the hedge mace.

Keep up the good work.

6  Date: 1998-06-24 21:02:00
Venorik Elghinn wrote:

Hehehe, bin Besucher # 22222, gibts dafuer ein Frei-Barcardi-RedBull oder so ?

5  Date: 1998-06-22 13:21:00
Neo wrote:

Hail, thou hast a great homepage!
But, I have discovered a broken link! does not exist. And also, are there "powerwords" for the shrines or did someone just pull me timberleg?

4  Date: 1998-06-12 18:46:00
Lady Tina wrote:

Well met, McBykar!
Thou art the most charming pilgrim in Britannia!


3  Date: 1998-06-10 03:26:00
Sandros wrote:

Great! Your travelogues are unique on the web. Write more of them! Fast!

2  Date: 1998-06-04 19:31:00
Stijn wrote:

Great site! Keep up the good work

But would you want to add the location of orc camps? that way, it would be more easy to find them...

1  Date: 1998-06-04 15:45:00
The Pilgrim McBykar wrote:

Sorry, but I had to set up a new guestbook, for the onld one wasn't working anymore.
Please continue posting constructing criticism and telling me what you like or dislike about this homepage.


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