The House of Pike
hat was a pirate on a horse doing on top of the Spire of the Ninth Virtue, the tower of the newly proclaimed Duchy of Drachental? A new sovereign ruled the area of the Virtue Village, the Duke of the Duchy Kugelblitz. The Duchy consisted of three Houses, amongst them the House of Wyn and the rival House of Duskwalker. All claiming to be loyal to the Crown of Lord British, being knighted by the King, or being nobles by bloodline. These Barons and Baronesses would decide over the future of Drachental, even coming up with a new map for the whole area. This was a thorn in the flesh of Hawkeye Pike, as the United Pirates considered the whole area to be theirs.
This issue was what Hawkeye Pike wanted to talk about with the Duke. On the roof of the tower he greeted Szordrin and Ogier casually. "Ahoy lubbers!" Remembering the future encounters with pirates, the two noblemen eyed the pirate suspiciously.
"I wanna talk to da lord of dis Touchy!" Pike demanded. Ogier corrected him impatiently, "Duchy, man! A Duchy!"
"Wutever. I must speak to da lord of da Touchy himself, and in person."
"I need more than a request, before I approach the Duke." Szordrin explained calmly.
"Dat's none of yer business. Ye should get da Dude of dis Touchy here now, I wanna make a suggest'on for peacekeepin'."

After some more lectures in appropriate manners for the impatient pirate, Szordrin finally sent a pigeon to the Duke, telling him about Hawkeye Pike's request. A few moments later the Duke Kugelblitz arrived together with McSam, taking a seat in front of the pirate. Szordrin bowed and greeted him with honor. "My Duke."
The infamous Hawkeye mimicked a bow in the saddle, waving a loop with his hand. "Me Dude. Harhar. So ye be da Dude of dis Touchy?"
All of the present lords and barons controlled themselves, not to show their disgust about the comedy this lousy pirate was playing. Kugelblitz frowned slightly,and addressed Hakweye Pike with a controlled and friendly voice. "Indeed, I am. The Duke, not Dude."
"Now listen up, Dude." Hawkeye continued. "Ye made an unallow'd claim on land here."
Kugelblitz just didn't believe what he just heard from this person, who seemed to unite ill manners and impudence within himself. He frowned and said, not knowing if he should just throw this scum out of the tower: "Unallowed claim of land?"
When McSam noted that this land was given by Lord British, Hawkeye Pike replied:
"Lord British has nuthin' ta say here! Dis is outlaw area, as ye might have noticed durin' da last years!"
Hawkeye Pike looked proudly into the Duke's eyes, starting with his speech. "I have liv'd in and protected da so-call'd Virtue Villige fer several years now. It has seen many changes, fer better since da pirates live here. We stand at da dawn of a new chapter in this land's saga. Howeva, meself and me House do not wish ta be ignor'd."
At this point the pirate showed a wicked grin, reading the surprise in the landlubbers faces.
"We strive ta see all people as landlubb... er... equal, discriminate dem, and promote a deprived and free way of life."
Hawkeye couldn't suppress a slight snicker as he continued: "Dude of dis Touchy, I hereby formally request dat da House of Pike be recognized as one of da Houses of Drachental."
Ogier was visibly angry about this blatancy, but KugelBlitz just chuckled like he was amused by the fantasies of a drunken sailor.
Trying to hide a smile, KugelBlitz answered in a serious tone: "Well, to comment on some of your points... For the ... hmmm how you called it ... protection of villagers, could you give me some more... uhmm... details? What you have done to protect them in the past?"

" We didn't always kill 'em, but let 'em get away wid a tribute when dey were willin' ta pay. See, all dis might change..." Hawkeye
grinned wickedly.
"I see. Well, my answer is that your request for a house is formally rejected."
"Arr, wut's da reason fer yer rejection?"
"For killing and threatening villagers in the past, and for other crimes you committed".
"We restrain'd ourselves strongly."
KugelBlitz continued, ignoring this inappropriate comment. "Further, you continue to threat them right here. Well, show us that your intentions are honest, and we might reconsider your request."
"If I may my Duke..." Szordrin asked to intervene. "Only a one knighted by Lord British or on his name may be allowed to form a bloodline by law. So thy request is moot, Pike, until that honor is thine."
KugelBlitz nodded in agreement.
Hawkeye Pike growled angrily. "I should cut off yer tongues..." Seeing that this could disturb his plans, he quickly corrected himself. "Er... Ye should get a haircut , I mean." He wouldn't give up so quickly, so he explained some of his plans. "Obviously ye didn't understand... Dis wuz an offer of peace. If ye wanna live in dis land, which is mostly ours, ye will have ta let us rule it."
KugelBlitz decided to cut short this useless discussion, not willing to hear any more of these threats. "Well, we heard your words, Pike. But we cannot accept any threats. You may go now."
Pike was angry, and shook his fist. "Yer Touchy is too important fer ye ta lose it!"
The pirate left the building, angry, although he had not really expected that his request would be accepted by the Duke. He spurred his horse, and headed towards Britain.
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