Pirates in the Lost Ice World

On da search for treasur' maps we hunted onc' again sea serpents and wat'r elementals in da seas of Britann'a, as we suddenly came across a strang statue in da middle of da ocean. A serpent was wound around it. I had hear'd befor' of dis thing, and rumors say, dat da "Serpent's Pillar" is kind of a teleport'r to da Lost Lands. I had also hear'd of a secret password yo' need to transport yo' through this gate. Fortunat'ly I rememb'rd, and suddenly we found ourself in unknown wat'rs.
We sail'd northward, and da air became rath'r frosty and cold. We dropp'd anchor at an unknown snow region, an ice world. Carefully we examin'd da region, but dere were only snow creatur's like snow leopards, white wolves, ice bears and da like.
We now walk'd around less carefully, as suddenly we hear'd a cry and roarin' noises nearby. Thrim had left our group, and whut we saw, let da blood freeze in our veins!
A terribl' frost troll wielded a mighty axe on da fleeing Thrim, who was also chased by a gieant ice serpent. Both monst'rs seem'd to be much more powerful than da equivalent creatures in Britann'a! Thrim wasn't able to hide, and fell to da third blow of da frost troll. But we mana'gd to hunt da monst'rs down and take reveng' for our fallen friend.
It really was a problem, to get da ghost of Thrim on our ship again. A god show'd up, and he help'd us wid this issue.

- Hawkeye Pike


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