Dying at the Dragon Shrine

Kurt, Seth and I had the crazy idea to visit Destard again to have some fun with drakes. Alas the drakes seemed to have more fun with us, for due to a stupid incident I died. A mean and cowardly guy named SABRE began to loot my corpse. I resurrected at the shrine and told my friends to blade this guy. I guess it was my fault, for I distracted them from the fight with the drake. Then things were happening very quickly. Two other drakes attacked us, and we all died again and again.

Fortunately somebody managed to run away and the drakes followed him. We lost some equipment, but not too much. And we had leaned our lesson. Never fool around with drakes and dragons! Attacking a drake with three good mages is possible, but if there are two or even three of these monsters, you should run like hell!
Well, it was a good training for our upcoming public event on June 6.


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