Pirates on Tour

Once again the Lords of the Eight Virtues had successfully repulsed an attack of the pirates on the tavern. The fight was tough and short, two pirates were felled instantly inside the tavern, another one was killed on his flight.

So that was a pirate's life, they seemed to get used to these kind of actions.

One day the growing bunch of United Pirates was meeting at the tavern, to make a trip with their two boats. The always suspicious Lydia was watching them.
On their way to Buccaneer's Den the pirates fought against a water elemental and a sea serpent. The sea serpents had become more powerful, now casting dangerous spells at the attackers.
Later in Occlo, the pirates cursed at the mages who were summoning elementals in the town. They killed the elementals merciless.
As the rest of the crew had left, Hook and Hawkeye sailed to Buc's Den to explore the secret caves once more.
It was strange, that only one of the exits of the caves of Buc's Den was working. The others didn't. Hawkeye remembered from his childhood, that he often had used the other exits, but somehow they had been disabled now.


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