The Slayer of Hythloth

Searing gargoyles, sweltering gargoyles, burning gargoyles, smoldering gargoyles and blistering gargoyles appeared over and over again in the big chamber in the eastern wing of the first level of Hythloth. The imps and hellhounds around the dungeon entrance were annoying, but this was hell! Before the four pirates could slay one of those gargoyles, two new appeared and attacked the fighters. They had to be careful with healing each other quickly, in order not to be roasted the monsters.

After a while they proceeded to the deeper chambers by using a teleporter. There they found some daemons in the northeastern part, but compared to what they would meet one level deeper this was merely a game. All four being good shield fighters with a high healing skill they easily defeated the red monsters from hell. Then they descended the stairways down to the abyss. 
Carefully they sneaked through the tunnel, lifting their shields, prepared for sudden attack. As they turned around a corner, the pirates stopped breathing: Not far from them a big black daemon turned its head towards them and a terrible scream emerged from its throat. It was The Slayer! With an unbelievable speed the beast ran towards them, and the brave pirates stared into a face that would haunt them in many nightmares to come. With a single blow the daemon almost killed Hawkeye Pike, who then stumbled into Yellowbeard's blade. Before Hook could even think of applying a bandage, the second blow of the deamon knocked out Hawkeye.
Now extremely weakened the other pirates decided to fly and save their lives. While running back to the stairway Yellowbeard fell to another blow of the Slayer, but the other two pirates were able to escape.
By distracting the terrible monster Hawkeye and Yellowbeard were able to recover their belongings from their corpses. Thank God, Hook was able to resurrect from the dead!
After this experience the pirates knew that it was better to explore the upper parts of the dungeons some more. There they came across a beautiful black horse, which unfortunately attacked them with dangerous spells. It was a Nightmare! It took the four adventurers quite some time to finish off this hellish animal, and then retreat to the exit.
As their eyes got used to the daylight again, they counted their gathered riches, and with a satisfactory smile they returned to their home, the Red Skull Bay.


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