t was not easy for the Pike brothers to say good-bye to their log cabin, the home they had built so long ago, and where they had spent so much time. But Hawkeye had received an offer, an opportunity he could not resist. A landlubber had offered him to trade his small tower on Buccaneer's Den for the log cabin. Buc's Den had once been the home of Andrej and Hawkeye, and now they had the chance to return to the pirate isle! To Hawkeye's opinion, Buccaneer's Den would be a much more suitable place for pirates to live in, and he talked to his crew mates about the idea. However, nobody seemed to be very thrilled by this suggestion. Hawkeye Pike asked his pirate crew if someone wanted to take over his cabin on land's end, but the activity of the crew had decreased a bit, and alas nobody was interested. The decision was not easy, but after a long time of pondering, he knew he had to move!
Thus one day, Andrej dismissed his vendor and Hawkeye grabbed all their belongings to put them on his ship.
