Hedge Maze Pilgrims
ne day Kurt, Sorcall, KugelBlitz,
Porakin and McBykar met, and they decided to make a pilgrimage to the Hedge Maze. As soon as they arrived at the destination,
an evil mage named Carthon (McBykar had heard this name before) attacked them. The mage quickly was
defeated and McBykar looted a nice red robe from his body.

The party investigated the farm house and left some notes on the bulleting board. They had noticed the presence of some High Elves, but obviously the elves were very careful this time. They probably didn't know how to place the intruders; whether they were harmless adventurers or murderers hunting for notoriety. The pilgrims all wore robes covering possible armor, and everyone of them had a Lord title, which may have looked more impressive than it actually was.

Finally one of the elves dared to approach the pilgrims. His name was Legolas, and they had quite a good conversation with him. He was different from what McBykar had learned about the High Elves during his last visit. He seemed to be peaceful and just.

After the chatting was finished, the party entered the secret tunnel that lead to the small tower. Sorcall seemed to be possessed by some evil spirit, as suddenly he began to spasm and behave like another person seemed to control his mind.

When leaving the Hedge Maze, the fellowship suddenly had the idea to make a race along the hedges to see who was the fastest runner. They had a lot of fun, Sorcall tripped over a dire wolf and Kurt bumped into Sorcall. After fooling around for a while, the party was finally disbanded and everyone left for their homes.

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