The United Pirates

Today was the day the United Pirates guild was founded. Hook and Hawkeye Pike placed the guild stone inside a tent by the coastline east of Vesper. This guild now counted five heads. Five dangerous pirates!
Afterwards Hook and Hawkeye went on a boat trip. It was the first time since the last months that Hawkeye Pike smelled the fresh salty sea air again. The dream of an own boat returned into his mind.
They sailed to Scorpion Island to make a barbecue. In a hard fight they killed about 20 rabbits and carved off the meat.
Back in Trinsic again Hawkeye offended a mage called StupendousMan. This man cast spells in town, and Hawkeye hated magery. So he swore at him evilly, when finally StupendousMan offered a fight outside of town.
StupendousMan: wanna take it outside of town?
Hawkeye Pike: I will m'ke you kiss my keel windw'rd!
... (At a place out of town)
Hawkeye Pike: Ok. Die landlubb'r!
Hook: yihaa
Hawkeye Pike: You are attacking StupendousMan!
Hawkeye Pike: Im a great corsair!
Hawkeye Pike: Man of da sev'n seas!
Hawkeye Pike: Thou red-ey'd foul'sh wimp!
StupendousMan: grog swilling scum
Hawkeye Pike: You swabbl'sh stink'n rat!
Hook: *laughs*
StupendousMan: barnacle ridden bandit
Hawkeye Pike: Thou loggerheaded reeling-ripe jack-a-nape!
StupendousMan: thou has an inferior genetailia complex
Hawkeye Pike: Thou lewd weather-bitten whipster!
StupendousMan: brought on by sea gull sin heat
Hawkeye Pike: Thou purpled hell-hated pumpion!
StupendousMan: give up?
Hawkeye Pike: Not yet!
Hook: we are pirates not landlubbers
StupendousMan: u run your mouths kind of wreckless for such poor fist fighters
Hawkeye Pike: Ok, yo' won! Thou vacant sour-faced jolthead!
StupendousMan: give up?
Hawkeye Pike: Aye
StupendousMan: good fight
Hawkeye Pike: Yo' da bett'r wrest'lr
StupendousMan: im the better everything
Hawkeye Pike: But I would hav' kill'd yo in da fencin' contest.

Both men bowed and walked their own ways again. It was a fair fight with no tricks, but Hawkeye unfortunately had to give up. Hook and Hawkeye now followed the steps of Andrej Pike, who had told a story about a strange stone gate. After a long search they finally found it. Andrej had been right! The gate led them directly to Buccaneer's Den.
Home again! Hawkeye and Hook were both born in Buc's Den, and hadn't visited this town for a long time. It was a good feeling to walk the empty streets again, they both knew from their childhood.
The pirates decided to make the tavern "The Pirate's Plunder" their new meeting point. The grog sold here was of high quality and burned the throats like a real grog should.


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