The Tavern of the Eight Virtues

The Tavern of the Eight Virtues was designed as a resting place for hungry and tired wanderers, travellers and fighters. Everybody is welcome, and you can always come and sit down for a cool ale or a glass of the good Vesper wines. With much afford the Lords of the Eight Virtues kept up the inventory, the furniture and the style of the tavern. Again and again all furniture were stolen, and they just hoped that the Gods of Britannia would one day help and reward them.
Then one day a game master visited the Tavern of the Eight Virtues. He carefully examined the place, listened to the stories and admired the commitment of the guild to their tavern project. Then finally he spoke some encouraging words and left.
Weeks passed as suddenly the renowned GM Iron Will appeared at the tavern. He was sent directly from Britain to furnish the Tavern of the Eight Virtues and reward the efforts of the LoV.
Many interesting and strange people are meeting in the tavern, drinking ale, dancing and chatting. Even some pirates haunt the place every now and then, and moles honest and peaceful travellers.
Well, the Tavern of the Eight Virtues is a most interesting place to visit.


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