Juo'nar Rules Trinsic
o, it was not over! Of
course the guards issued warnings as they did on the days before. The pirate Hawkeye Pike was acquainted with the procedure.
He walked to the northern bank of Trinsic and demanded to see his safe deposit box. When after several attempts there still was no reaction at all
Hawkeye noticed why the bankers would not serve him today. Their corpses were lying all around him. Something was very wrong!
No banking in Trinsic anymore. This does not bode well!

On the streets he met some old friends from the Pirates of the Barrier Isle. Together they whacked some groups of lich lords and skeletal knights which were roaming the city streets.

The west gate again seemed to be the center of activity. In the middle of battle suddenly a strange green undead materialized. With its enormous strength this Rotting Corpse slew many fighters around it. Hawkeye Pike met his friends Yellowbeard and Dead Eye, and together they wielded their weapons like there was no tomorrow.

Finally the Rotting Corpse was defeated, but the undead did not give the Trinsic fighters any time to rest. They sent their yellow-boned Skeleton Commander. No guards at all were to be seen in Trinsic anymore. Thieves and murderers were roaming the streets giving the few brave fighters a hard time.

The Skeleton Commander finally fell and instantly another deadly threat appeared: A red Abysmal Zombie! It was hidden in the Traveller's Inn in Trinsic, so Hawkeye and his friend Yellowbeard ran inside and up the stairs. There it was! Hawkeye immediately attacked the Abysmal Zombie.

After a long fight the Abysmal Zombie fell but with him many men had died. It still was not over! The horror of all horrors appeared on top of the Trinsic west gate: Juo'nar, the lord of all undead! Some fighters who had considered the top of the gate a safe place died almost instantly by his hand, while the evil laughter of Juo'nar echoed through the city streets. Swiftly he teleported across the rooftops, escaping the weapons of the defenders of Trinsic. He seemed to be recalling between different places of Trinsic; he was seen at the west gate, near the Paladin's Isle, and finally by the City Hall. This was where the pirate Hawkeye Pike finally confronted him.
It was nearly impossible to inflict any harm to this mighty creature! Men dropped to the ground all around him when Juo'nar wielded his long staff or cast a powerful spell. Hawkeye applied bandages to himself like a madman while stinging his kryss into the rotten body of the lich, which seemed to be made of iron.

In the heat of the fight Juo'nar suddenly teleportet upon the roof of the bank where Hawkeye Pike, who abominated magic, could not follow him.

When the Lich Lord came down from the roof, Hawkeye Pike was immediately on him again. He followed Juo'nar into a small room. Full of anger he shouted to Juo'nar to leave the Smuggler's Gate of Trinsic and not to mess with pirate business again. "I must go, there are mortals to be slain" Juo'nar hissed in the middle of the fight, bowed and vanished.

Unexpectedly, the undead were followed by deadly Energy Vortices which decimated the numbers of fighters greatly. Some evil persons had summoned them in hope for fresh and valuable loot.

Hawkeye's body was sore and ached. He was tired, his armor was damaged, his kryss dull and notched. He had fought all night long for many hours. He was not able to count the undead he had slain. His companions Yellowbeard and Dead Eye had supported him bravely and the three companions had saved each other's life more than once. Despite the positive turnout for the three of them there was no doubt: Trinsic was in the hands of the undead!
When Hawkeye returned to his cabin at the Red Skull Bay, he dropped down on his chair and fell asleep instantly.

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