Hail to Thee, Traveller!
n my journey to the
Despise Dungeon I passed the large desert to visit the Shrine of Compassion.
The rising sun burned down on my head without mercy and made me sweat under my green cloak. A passing giant scorpion -
it was the first I had ever seen - died quickly by the blows of my heavy axe. Finally I reached the oasis with the shrine,
a peaceful spot in the middle of the desert. What I saw there, astonished me: A plainly dressed man named Angwyn stood
beside the ankh. On the dusty ground in front of him lay a brown bag and a book. I asked the stranger a few questions,
but he showed no reaction. He seemed to be in some state of trance. I looked down and examined the book. When I read what
he had written with a trembling hand on the yellowed pages, I felt pity with the poor man. This is what
the book read:

"Hail to thee, traveller!
Thou hast found me standing here with all mine
belongings crammed into this one bag. Feel free to take all thou dost want!
My life has been destroyed, my house has been looted, my friends have betrayed me and my
only loyal companion has been killed. There is nothing left in this once so challenging
world that would make my life worth living anymore.
I decided to be standing here for some period of time, meditating and retreating into a
deep inner slumber. When I be back again and find that thou, traveller, hast not taken
anything of mine belongings, I maybe will decide to live on. Because this be a sign that
there still art some noble amongst us who art worth living and dying for.
If anything of mine belongings wert taken away, I will thrust a dagger into my heart and
never return upon the beautiful green meadows of Britannia again.
It be thou who dost decide upon my destiny.
Forgive me for mine compassion, but tis the only way for me to live and die."

As I opened the bag, I saw his belongings. It was not much what destiny had left him in his unlucky life. I was able to comprehend the pain of this poor soul. Often enough I had felt the same way. But what should I do? After a while Lizarda, a loyal friend, arrived. She was very touched by the story as well, so we decided to guard the Angwyn's bag until he would wake up again. After a while some other travelers came and joined us.

Angela, Lady of Honesty of the Virtue Lords appeared. Also Rainer Zufall and Caligula Minus entered the scene. Together we discussed the situation and came to the conclusion that we could do nothing but wait and guard the bag. Angela even summoned a Fire Elemental and ordered it to guard the bag. Later Sir Parzival arrived and told us some stories about his latest adventures, after which he left again. I was surprised that each one of the passers-by felt pity with this desperate soul and wanted to help him. The people of Britannia weren't so bad after all, were they? You just have to open your eyes and discover the honest and just.

About an hour had passed without a noteworthy incident. I wondered what we would do if someonewould come and steal the bag... Angwyn still meditated and spoke the mantra of the shrine. I wrapped myself tightly into my coat, for the nights in the desert can be very chilly. The night passed by slowly, and as the sunbeams fell on the white sand of the desert again, Angwyn suddenly seemed to wake up.

He was very surprised to see all the strangers standing around him, and as he examined his bag with a doubtful frown, he was completely surprised. Not a single item was missing! I think he even cried a tear of relief, for he had expected not to see the sun of Britannia again. He thanked us overwhelmingly for he finally had experienced true friendship.

While the others had to leave, Angela invited Angwyn and me to her house. The property of the Lords of Virtue was beautiful. It was quiet and peaceful, and the house was modestly equipped but mystical despite. I still can taste the flavor of the wine that had been offered to me. Again this was a day I never would forget in my humble life.
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