Dungeons, Monsters and Killers
ack in Trinsic, someone suddenly called
my name. I turned around and recognized Mahler, an old friend who had accompanied me during some of my first hunting adventures
outside the city. It was great to see him again, and we decided to expose ourselves to the dangers of Covetous Dungeon.
He never had been to a dungeon, I only had been once. So we were both pretty unexperienced. Anyway, I thought it would be
a good opportunity to gather loot and gain experience.
When we proceeded downward though the dark caves of Covetous, we lit the rooms up with torches we found on monsters. Giant Rats
attacked me in crowds, but they did not do much damage.

Suddenly we saw a Water Elemental. As I knew how dangerous they were, I quickly hid. The Elemental turned on another fighter and cast spells at him. I have no idea whether this adventurer had survived the attack. Mahler and I got away and continued to explore the underground cave system.

Amongst many rats, we found some Corpsers who were less dangerous, as they could not move and follow you. Harpies could also be found here, and they were our favorite targets. Their loot was good, and with the two of us and some other random adventurer joining in, we could quickly slay them.

We had already gathered a lot of gold and loot and already thought about leaving the dungeon, when suddenly I saw how my friend was attacked by a murderer. Yells echoed through the dungeon and all hell broke lose! A group of murderers attacked every one of the dungeon adventurers, showing no mercy.

I had no idea how this gang of murderers suddenly got here. They probably had came from the entrance, raiding the first
caves in a swooping surprise attack - one of them was the Harpy cave we've been fighting in. We were surrounded by murderers!
A Fireball spell hit me and I ran like hell. The sound of Energy Bolts and Lightnings echoed from the dungeon walls, while my
heart was beating like a drum. I ran around a corner, jumped into a small niche at the wall and tried the hiding skill - and it
worked immediately!!! Only a second later, the criminals were passing by without noticing me.
A short while later they returned, looting the corpses of my companions right in front of my eyes. I only stood a few feet
away from them, trembling, not daring to move one toe. Then they started to discuss, and I witnessed the conversation of
a notorious group of successful murderers...
You see: Lord NightBlade SUN
You see: Lady Janna
You see: Ravinok
You see: a corpse of Ravinok
You see: Lady Cella of Malice
You see: Lady Fiona Apple
You see: Lord Torin D'rak
You see: Ravinok
You see: Lord Caladin
Lindsay'o'Hara: hehe
Caladin: what kind of axe does he have?
Torin D'rak: probably of harm
Lindsay'o'Hara: force I guess. force or power
Caladin: thx
Lindsay'o'Hara: either one
Torin D'rak: they gonna take harm weapons away
Caladin: why?
Torin D'rak: cause of the unfair
Metical: im blind!
Lindsay'o'Hara: oh well, this sux
Caladin: whats harm anyways?
Torin D'rak: harm wand does like 40 damgage
Caladin: wow
NightBlade SUN: OoOoooo
Janna: Harm wand is exploitation, heh.
Ganon: Shame is full of antis
Lindsay'o'Hara: I have harm wand
Janna: And GM's will ban you for it.
Lindsay'o'Hara: hehe
Caladin: cool
Torin D'rak: got the wand, hehe
Cella of Malice: cool
Caladin: In Lor
Zentil of DOC: Cal
Caladin: what?
Zentil of DOC: Why shouldn't I kill you?
Zentil of DOC: You stole a ton of my friends' things and i told you I'd fight you
Caladin: because my friends are here
LySol: so you stole my friends things
Zentil of DOC: As well as mine
Caladin: see...
Lindsay'o'Hara: hehe
Caladin: and when the fuck did i steal your shit? i dont even loot
Jarel: OOOoooO
Zentil of DOC: We were on lvl 2 Of this dungeon
Zentil of DOC: My friend died to an ele. I grabbed it all and gated. You followed me
Zentil of DOC: I dropped the bag to move and you were attacking me
Caladin: when was this??
Zentil of DOC: A while ago. You were GL with a Chos shield
Caladin: hmmm
Lindsay'o'Hara: hehe
Lindsay'o'Hara: oh well res jarel
Metical: Cal im blind!!
Zentil of DOC: Then you grabbed my pack and recalled out
Lindsay'o'Hara: hehe

As they had cleared the place, I waited five more minutes in my hiding place, before I decided to become visible again and leave the dungeon with more than 900 gold coins in my pocket. I had saved a small fortune from the looters! When approached the Covetous Dungeon exit, I met a group of hunters not daring to go out. They warned me about some murderers waiting outside the dungeon. As I did not want to lose my hard-earned gold, I decided to hide by the exit and wait. I somehow had the feeling that the scoundrels would be coming in sooner or later.
Then it happened! 3 or 4 killers suddenly appeared in the dungeon and chased the warriors back into the dark caves. This was my chance! I jumped towards the exit and ran! I was outside! Suddenly, more murderers appeared from behind the trees and attacked me immediately! My heart almost stopped beating. Four against one! I fled as fast as I could. Bolts were fired, spells were cast on me. I ran. I heard them cursing behind me, and ran. After some minutes my pursuers were out of sight. I didn't stop running anyway until I reached the Vesper Moongate.

Soon I reached the safe city of Trinsic. I don't know what happened to my companion Mahler. I fear that he was murdered in the dungeon. I hope I will meet him again one day.
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