The Hard Job of a Highwayman

Today the pirate Hawkeye Pike was in urgent need of money again. All the gold from his previous dungeon trip he had already spent on ale, tavern music and on the hookers of Vesper. He searched through his empty pockets, and all he could find was 8 gold coins. So he decided to travel to Moonglow, where he knew he would find some inexperienced Nobles who he could easily rob. He soon had selected his victim, and he led her outside the safe fences of the town into the dense woods of Moonglow.
Payment? Harhar! He would take everything what he needed without asking.
When they were far enough away from the attention of the town guards, Hawkeye suddenly turned around and lifted his kryss.
"Harhar! Now ye gonna meet yer ancestors, landlubber!" he growled, and then attacked the Noble. 
Suddenly the Noble called for guards, and then she quickly summoned four mercenaries who immediately attacked the pirate with bows. Arrows pinched through the armor of Hawkeye, and he quickly started to apply bandages in order to heal himself. The dangerous thing was, that all these mercenaries had ranged weapons and thus could hit him from any distance.
The arrows hurt a lot, and Hawkeye soon was close to be knocked out, but thanks to his exceptional healing skill he managed to survive and finish off one henchman after another. Meanwhile Josie, the Noble, watched the scenery from safe distance, not knowing that her destiny should soon be sealed by a highwayman's hand.
Hawkeye noticed, that some of the mercenaries ran out of arrows, and then changed their weapon and attacked him with a spear. But that didn't help them much, as Hawkeye surely was a more skilled fencer. Soon the mercenaries lay face down in the forest, and Hawkeye Pike turned his face to the Noble.
"And now yer gold please!" 


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