Hawkeye Pike's Lost Treasure

Hawkeye Pike was lost in a heavy storm several weeks ago. Rumors say that he had his treasure of immense value stored on his ship while it sunk, and now a trace of this treasure had appeared again. A merchant provided the treasure hunting parties with the first hint. A merchant in the Skara Brae tavern was said to know something about the four map pieces, which would lead to riches and wealth.
When the treasure hunters had heard about that, they hurried to Skara Brae with their boats, to find the merchant and interview him.
After the treasure hunters found the merchant in the Tavern, and asked him about the treasure, he answered:
"Thou lookest for a legendary treasure? I can tell thee, that it is merely a rumor. However, a few days ago I was delivering wares to Ocllo. On the docks I met a drunken sailor who was boasting about being the richest man in Britannia. He looked poorly dressed and not wealthy at all so I asked him where all his gold was. He did blather something about a treasure map he had. Treasure of a corsair's sunken ship. That's all I do know." 
Immediately the parties hurried to the Occlo docks to find the drunken sailor. After bribing him with some bottles of ale and a few gold pieces, he stammered:
"Ar, before I forgetsh about it: Shis ish only one piece of she map. It alone will help ye noshing. But I bought it from a wandering healer. Mebbe she can give ye she osher pieces."
He handed over a map piece, where the Provisioner's at Skara Brae was marked. Obviously this was the first map piece, and it also lead to the next station!
In Skara Brae the healer was found quickly, but a battle between the rival teams broke lose. The healer told the parties about the nephew, who had taken the map pieces from Hawkeye Pike's corpse, and then disappeared leaving a note:
"I took the maps, I crossed the blue
Try follow, if you dare!
To this one place, or are there two?
A bridge is all they share.
A home I'll find, by reptile's name! 
I leave these boring woods.
And watch the ships go docking in,
to supply the isle with goods."
The experienced sailors didn't have to think long to find out that the healer's nephew was found on the docks of Serpent's Hold. 
After checking out the two docks of Serpent's Hold, the nephew had been spotted. He said:
"Sure I had the maps. They were worthles crap! One piece was missing! I sold two map pieces, and kept one. Sold 'em to an old grave digger, who was on his trip to Nujel'm. I might give you my map in exchange for a few books. I wanna write more poems."
The nephew was soon provided with the books and handed out the second map piece.
At the Nujel'm graveyard the half-deaf grave digger was hardly able to submit his message, as the parties were fighting each other in order to gain an advantage. He handed over the third map piece:
" Here you are! It looks like only a piece of a map. You need the other piece? I GAVE IT AWAY! AS A BIRTHDAY PRESENT FOR MY FRIEND! He's a farmer in Moonglow. Lives at the south eastern coast." 
The farmer in Moonglow was more talkative than the previous messengers, so he answered:
"Ah yes, the map piece. I remember it. An evil mage has taken it away from me. He said something like it was important that this map piece would not be in public hands. I heard rumors about an evil mage. It is said that he hides on an island on a small lake. It's somewhere north of the Shrine of Justice. That's all I know."
Quickly the parties left for the Shrine of Justice, in order to find that island. The party of the pirate Widow now was the leading party of the treasure hunt.
The mage was really evil, and before he attacked the arriving team he shouted:
Yes, I cursed this corsair! His restless ghost is doomed to haunt the seas forever! And his spiritless body is chained to guard the treasure! And I hold the final map piece, which is the final part in the puzzle. The maps cross the lines! And I will not hand it over to you!"
Fortunately the mage could be slain after a quick fight, and the final map piece was looted from his body.
Now the four map pieces showed the following locations: The Yew Empath Abbey, the Skara Brae provisioner, the Cove docks and the entrance to the Lost Lands on an island south of Britain. When these locations were connected by lines on a map of Britannia, the point where the lines crossed was obviously the entrance to the Britain sewers. 
Deep down in the sewers Hawkeye Pike's body was banned and cursed to guard his treasure. His soul was corrupted by the evil mage, and his body clad in gray clothes guarded his wealth. Only death could break the spell that was upon him. After a long search Jerijah Herero, Kane, Regneck, Ramza and Kentarre found Hawkeye Pike in the sewers, and managed to slay him after a hard fight. A treasure chest full of riches worth at least 40,000 gold pieces was recovered from the corpse of the corsair!

Hawkeye Pike's soul had been set free!


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