My First Dungeon Visit
e into the
yawning black hole in the mountainside. I shivered slightly. I had never been to a dungeon before. What would await
me down there? Was my wilderness training during the past weeks sufficient? Would I survive? My thoughts were
interrupted by a group of fighters coming out of the dungeon. My friends asked if any murderers had been sighted in the
dungeon. The adventurers negated. I never had faced murderers before, but I had heard many terrible stories about them.
Some instructions were issued about always staying close together, then we entered the pitch-black cave.

While it only seemed logic, I was surprised by the darkness that surrounded me nevertheless. I was hardly able to see my own hand in front of my eyes, and only some torch lights and candles glowed here and there in the dark, throwing flickering shadows on the cold rocky walls. The smell of death surrounded us! Just near the entrance we had to pass some dangerous fire traps. Stepping onto them could be the adventurer's doom!

Suddenly even the faint shimmer of light was gone and it was totally dark. Somebody came running down the gallery shouting something I didn't understand. Then we saw it: He was chased by a gazer, like the one I had seen at the Yew forest some days ago. Three of us attacked, while the other fighers were occupied killing a giant snake. In the heat of the fight we got split up, and suddenly I was standing in the dungeon all alone. A feeling of fear crept up from my stomach. It was dark and silent. Only the squeaking of giant rats could be heard in the distance. I decided to leave, for I didn't want to risk my life. On my way back I slayed a giant rat. I had not noticed that we had proceeded so far down into the dungeon. Hiding every now and then, I sneaked back up towads the entrance.

When the exit was near, I feared murderers and looters waiting outside the dungeon to reap from the hard-earned loot of
the adventurers. I plucked up my courage and ascended. I had been lucky! Nobody was ambushing me. I was just about to leave
for the moongate, when two ghosts came out of the caves, who obviously had been less lucky. I never found out who or what had
killed them. I successfully reached the moongate and teleported to Trinsic, where I put my booty into the bank box.
This had been a very exciting and successful adventure!

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