The Festival of Pride

While counting his gold coins at the Trinsic bank, McBykar heard the piercing voice of the town cryer shouting: "Hear ye! Hear ye! The Festival of Pride is a chance to brag of thy conquests and adventures! The Festival of Pride is beginning in Magincia. Come boast of thy deeds!" Well, there wasn't much McBykar could boast about. Not even his 13,000 gold coins in the bank would be worth mentioning. He decided to visit Magincia nevertheless. Not only because he never had visited this town before (it just offered nothing he cared about, and Trinsic was his favorite place anyway), but because it might be quite entertaining to get acquainted with the Magincian way of living.

"As McBykar arrived, he met Seer Amber again, who was moderating the contest. Many people had come to boast about their heroic deeds, brag about their knowledge, skills or greatness. Everybody was encouraged to tell the others why he was the best, and it was funny watching the best and the wisest quarreling about it. The Magincians seemed to have embraced pride as a virtue, and there was really one ability they were more than qualified to brag about: Bragging.


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