Daemons in Hythloth

My feet were almost frozen to the ground, as I finally decided to dare a new step into this world. I was missing my dear friends! Laurana was so kind to take me from the Ice Island and provide me with food and clothing. I was sick of Deceit, sick of snow and coldness. At the bank of Serpent's Hold I re-equipped as good as my bank box allowed, and tried to remember the most important spells. It's unbelievable how much you can forget in such a short period of time. My bank box looked frustratingly empty. So I pulled out a pair of bone legs, bone arms and my last few reagents to visit some friends. The happily married couple ShadowGal and Kurt welcomed me to their new home.
To earn some money I sold some of my beloved magic weapons I had saved, and visited Destard to hunt some headless. Unfortunately the headless matched other vile creatures like snakes, rats, spiders and slimes 1:20. After some hours in the dark dungeon of Destard I had some money to buy reagents. I collected all the garbage I could find, and made some good amount of gold by selling stuff like bags, bottles and torches at the provisioner's.
KugelBlitz had given me a magic bow and a magic crossbow as a present, which helped me survive down there.
Then finally, a pleasure-addicted McBykar contacted his friends KugelBlitz, Kurt and Gent to make a journey to Hythloth. Well-prepared and well-equipped we finally gated down into level 4 and were attacked by an overzealous gargoyle at once. Well, he had to pay for his eagerness. Then suddenly another dungeon visitor opened imprudently the wrong door and gave way to a daemon. Cries of fear and death could be heard throughout the dungeon, as we ran like hell to escape from the mighty monster. Fortunately we all got away with our lives and met again in town. Wiping the sweat from our faces we decided to try a less exciting level.
In level one hordes of orcs, ettins and hellhounds fell to our weapons and magic power. The smell of fire, fresh blood and rotting corpses burned in our lungs like acid. We were very occupied in getting rid of those evil creatures, but after surviving level four this could not be called a challenge! We were a good team and the monsters didn't have the slightest chance.
Finally the time had come to say goodbye again. Everyone of us was tired and left to another town. My destination was my hometown Trinsic. Tired and exhausted I entered my guest room in the Rusty Anchor. I stripped my boots off, threw the heavy plate armor (a gift from Kurt) into a corner, and sunk on the bed to fall in dreamless slumber.


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