Britannia Dungeons - Solen Hive Northwest
The Solen Hive is a cave system which spreads under the mainland of Britannia. The Hive has four entrance, each of them leading to a different cave underground. However, these caves are connected to the same cave system by holes in the ground. The northwestern entrance to the Solen Hive is located close to the road from Yew to Skara Brae near some ancient Lich Ruins. A hole in the ground leads down into the Solen caves.

The Solen Hive is inhabited by ant-like creatures. The Solen Workers, who usually live close to the Hive entrance, are not too dangerous. However, be careful with Solen Warriors. They spit green deadly acid on the intruder. When you are standing on an acid pool you will die within seconds, as the acid will cause severe damage over a short time. Often the acid bladder of a Solen Warrior will burst when dying, causing the acid to flow out. In those cases it is important to immediately step aside, away from the pools of acid.
In the east you can find a small pond where plants are growing. There you can pick up several Zoogi Fungus which you will need for the Solen Quest.
Down in the center of the Solen Hive you will find the Solen Matriarch. It is an invulnerable creature. If you give it a plant seed, it will ask you for a favor. If you complete the given task it will reward you with gold and Powder of Translocation.

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