Britannia Places of Interest - Sea Market
The Sea Market, also known as the Floating Emporium, is located at 64°S 133°W, in the middle of the ocean south of Moonglow and east of Magincia. The Sea Market consists of a number of docks and a few cottages. This is the place where you can acquire not only ordinary boats, but also the big vessels. Also a special service to have the ship painted is offered there. Interesting fishing quests can be received there, as well as pirate bounty quests. You can also load and unload great numbers of items from you ship if you pay the fee.
It is recommended to anchor a short distance off the Sea Market and use the rowboat to get there. If a boat is at the Sea Market dock for 20 minutes it will automatically be teleported past the bouys that are placed on the outer edge of the dock region. The boat will not teleport if a person is aboard; standing on the boat for one minute will refresh the timer.
Runes cannot be marked at the Sea Market, so you cannot recall there.

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