Passages to the Lost Lands - Yew Prison Passage
The Yew Prison passage leads to the famous lighthouse in the Lost Lands. However, this passage is not very easy to find. To reach the Prison Island, you have to enter the Court of Truth in Yew, walk through several rooms and corridors and follow the stone hallway leading across the water to the prison island. Once you are in the Yew Prison you have to enter a certain prison cell on the left side and find the hidden door in the stone wall. Then you have to look for another hidden door leading out of the prison onto the island. Maybe these secrets once served as an escape route for condemned criminals... When you are outside, walk to the next small building to the east. A hidden door will lead you into its cellar where you find a stone pentagram transporting you to the Lost Lands passage.
A description of the corresponding lighthouse exit in the Lost Lands can be found here.

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