Ilshenar Dungeons - Twisted Weald
Inside the Mushroom Caves, which are located directly next to the Spirituality Moongate, a teleporter takes you right into the Twisted Weald. In order to enter the dungeon you must have accepted the quest to kill the Dreadhorn from one of the elves in Heartwood.
The Twisted Weald at first seems like a nice and quiet valley in the mountains with a few harmless pixies flying around. However, when you move in further you will soon discover that this place is nowhere near nice. If you have negative karma, you most likely will not get past the pixies in the first place. You then have to pass an area of quicksand where your movement is slowed down. Unfortunately, Sartyrs, Changelings and Cu Sidhes will hide there, waiting for easy prey. If you made it alive to the swamps in the western part, you will find several named creatures like Gnaw, Sabrix, Irk and Lissith of which you are to collect the keys for the Dreadhorn visit. You also have to pick up a Thorny Briar in the quicksand maze and a Blighted Cotton from the swamp. To gain access to the Dreadhorn island, you have to drop the keys into the Statue of the Fey at the southern end of the swamp.

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