Ter Mur Dungeons - Underworld

[ Stygian Abyss Dungeon Map ]

You will find the entrance to the Underworld on the Isle of Fire in Britannia, on a sandy beach near the rocks of the big volcano. This area can only be reached by boat, or by traveling spell if you have a rune. By traveling through the Underworld and taking the passage through the Stygian Abyss from there, you can reach the world of Ter Mur.
Three teleporter pairs will transport you to different areas of the dungeon. You can explore the Room of Experiments, solve puzzles by the Deathtrap Hallway to receive a reward, or try to find the pit leading down into Navrey's Lair. In the back of the dungeon you can find the Fountain of Fortune which heals and resurrects, and grants wishes to those who toss in lucky coins.

The Underworld is inhabited by all kinds of different creatures who live in certain areas of the dungeon. The southwest is home to Bloodworms and Rotworms. The Green Goblins can be found in the northwestern part of the Underworld, where Flint's Logbook is hidden. The northeastern part is inhabited by Gray Goblins and the poisonous Wolf Spiders. In a cave south of the Font of Fortune, the Iron Beetle is carving for ore. In the center of the dungeon, the lucky fisherman can catch special fish that only live there, if he isn't eaten by hungry Kraken.

To be able to enter the Stygian Abyss, you have to finish the quest given by Garamon, who can be found near the entrance. The object is to acquire three keys, the so-called "Tripartite Key". Those keys can be found and copied in three different chambers hidden in the Underworld dungeon. In the process of this quest you will have to slay some creatures, like the Acid Slugs, or the Shade of Tyball in the third Secret Chamber.
If you have finished the quest, you can henceforth use a shortcut to the Stygian Abyss, by opening a secret door in eastern wall of the room where Garamon is waiting, going through a hidden passage, and then heading north to the teleporter 3.

Underworld Dungeon
Underworld Dungeon Map

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