Old School Fight Night

Unfortunately, not many fighters had answered the pirates' call to attend at a fight night with special rules. In this tournament, only equipment bought from town vendors was allowed. No magic jewelry, no talismans, no magic armor and weapons or other fighting gadgets. The same rules applied for potions and other fighting aids: Only potions available from town vendors were allowed. The tournament took place in the pirate arena, and Hawkeye decided for the round robin system due to the small number of fighters: Each fights each.

It was quite interesting and challenging fighting with equipment which did not increase your swing speed, did not regenerate mana, stamina or health, and did neither boost skills nor stats. The fights were interesting and exciting. Six people entered to fight each other.

Scarst won 5 fights, Hawkeye Pike won 3 fights, Aneirin, Va'lis Razele and Buttercup won 2 fights.


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