Britannia Dungeons - Ice Dungeon
The entrance to the Ice Dungeon is located at the northernmost point of Britannia, just north of the mountains of the Dungeon Wrong. The Ice Dungeon consists of the main cave and two smaller secluded areas. The dungeon can also be used as a passage to the Lost Lands, the Ice Dungeon Passage, which will lead you to Kos Heb West.
The Ice Dungeon is inhabited by different ice creatures like Frost Trolls, Snow Elementals, Ice Serpents, Frost Spiders and the like. In the northern part of the dungeon you can find the lair of the White Wyrm. If you follow the dirt ramp next to the dungeon entrance downward, you will reach a big cave with a fort inside. This fort is home to dozens of Ratmen of all kinds. At the northwestern end of the Ice Dungeon, a tunnel will lead down into an ancient library. Be careful though, because an Ice Fiend will await you right by the entrance.

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