Britannia Dungeons - Wrong
The Dungeon Wrong is one of the Anti-Virtue Dungeons. Its opposing virtue is Justice. Dungeon Wrong can be found at the northern end of a valley in the mountains, south of the Ice Dungeon, in the northern parts of Britannia. It is located in a very remote area, so getting there on foot will take a little time.
The Wrong Dungeon was formerly a prison with a torture chamber. In the first two levels you will find a lot of prison cells and some agressive prisoners and executioners, aside from some less dangerous Lizardmen, Ettins and Ogres. In the northern rooms you may also come across several evil mages. In the northeast of level 1 right behind the prison cells, a teleporter is located. It leads down to the level 3. This dungeon level is empty. During the Shadow Invasion, this cave was temporarily inhabited by the evil spider Sicarii.

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