Ilshenar - Places of Interest

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[Cities] [Dungeons] [Moongates] [Shrines] [Places of Interest] [Passages]

Cyclops Camp Terort Skitas Ancient Wyrm's Lair Bandit Town Gwenno Memorial Humility Graveyard Undead Fort Lizardman Village Ratman Villa Meteor Crater Ruined Tower Abandoned Tower Burned Forest Pass of Karnaugh Gargoyle Camp Lava Ruined Villa Ridgeback Ponds Lord Blackthorn's Castle Savage Village Elemental Huts Bet-Lem Reg Cyclops Pyramid Valley of Healers Brigand Tower Reg Volon Entrance Reg Volon Twin Oaks Tavern Mushroom Caves Enchanted Forest Abyss Ancient Citadel Lenmir Anfinmotas Harpy Nest

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