Tokuno Dungeons - Citadel
The Citadel is located on the eastern coast of the Isamu Island in Tokuno. The few fisherhuts scattered by the beach next to the small footbridge don't look much like a dungeon though. However, a secret teleporter disguised as a wooden crate can transport you into the dangerous house of demise. In order to use the teleporter you first have to accept the Evidence quest from Sarakki in Britain, who can be found next to the entrance of Lord British's Castle.
If you decide to explore this dungeon, you will notice that in certain locations enemies will immediately spawn and attack the intruder as soon as you walk across one of the carpets. The garden-area is only a small part of the dungeon, though. You can find three small switches on the wall. By flicking them in a certain order, they will grant access to hidden doors beside the switches, each of which leading into a different part of the dungeon. Here is where the real dangers are hidden:
Dangerous spike traps are hidden everywhere on the floor. Hordes of criminals will savage the intruder, which will slow down the trip into the backmost chambers significantly.
The Citadel is also home to the peerless Changeling Travesty. To be able to visit her, the adventurer has to gather a red, a blue and a golden key from a High Executioner, a Grand Mage and a Master Thief, who are living in the secret chambers of the Citadel. These keys have to be placed onto a Key Table, which can only be reached through the underground corridors of this house of madness.

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