Hawkeye's Pirate Outpost

After wandering along the coast of Britannia for a long time and examining many spots, Hawkeye Pike finally found a decent place. Very close to the road that connected Yew with Minoc and Vesper, a nice estate was available. It was located directly by the water, a very important criterion. Also, the mountains were only a few steps away, which helped Andrej with his mining business. The southeastern entrance to the Solen Hive Dungeon and the Despise Dungeon were practically by his doorstep. The Yew Moongate was only a few minutes ride away. Also, the City of Wind was very close, but Hawkeye could never hope to get into Wind with his non-existent magery skill anyway.
The house construction had improved a lot. You now could place a foundation and designe a custom house on it. It took quite a lot of time until Hawkeye finally was finished with his wooden cottage, which he called "Jolly Roger Pirate Outpost". Thanks to Andrej Pike's grandmaster lumberjacking, carpentry, tailoring and blacksmithing skills, soon a lot of logs were gathered, furniture and important house add-ons (like spinning wheel, loom, forge and anvil) were built.

Now they could store all their items in secure boxes inside the house. Hawkeye could store the loot from his adventures, Andrej could store logs, wool and ore for his crafting tasks. From this day forward, Hawkeye advanced more rapidly and started to earn gold.


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