City of Minotaurs

The two pirates Black Tom Vane and Hawkeye Pike stood by the front doors of Minotaur City on the Isle of the Divide in Malas. Hawkeye had heard of this underground labyrinth where Minotaurs and more dangerous creatures were dwelling, but never been here himself. They were dreaming of the treasures that must be hidden in this secluded place. The pirates would go in and kick some bovine arse! As they entered through the big gate they immediately engaged a Minotaur and a Minotaur Captain. Tom fired some precise shots from his deadly crossbow while Hawkeye poisoned the Minotaur and stabbed it with his dagger.

The companions proceeded further into the city and were able to escape from a Miasma, a harmless looking but extremely dangerous and fast moving black Scorpion of some sort. Black Tom can confirm: Without a mount you're dead!

Then they saw it: A Rend! It looks like the tiny version of a dragon, however it is much more dangeous. "Arr, slay da bugger!" Hawkeye thought as he sneaked up to the Rend and lifted his dagger. With a swift strike he stabbed the creature with his deadly poisoned blade.

One second later, Hawkeye Pike's vision darkened, while the Rend feasted upon his remains. Maybe Minotaur City wasn't the right place to plunder if you were only two pirates.


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