Burning Down Traitor Houses

Today Andrej Pike made a strange discovery. When he passed by the Luna vendor houses, he found a house that had been burned to the ground, the rubble still in flames. He was surprised to see that the crowd rather enjoyed the fire instead of dreading it. In the middle of the ruins a scarecrow was fixed to a post, a sign saying "Effigy of a Traitor". Before this incident, it had been a house with many vendors selling tons o colored ingots and dozens of the best runic smithing hammers and tailoring kits.
Rumor had it that the person who owned the place has acquired those by illegal methods, thus damaging Britannia's economy. Also, he owned exactly the same house with exactly the same vendors on almost every shard. The Gods of Britannia finally took action and prosecuted the traitor, leaving behind a warning sign to all those people out there who are trying to cheat and betray.


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