The Third Black Market

The air was stirring in the peninsula south of Trinsic. A large building had finally been restructured, to serve its purpose even better from now on. Which was, selling contraband. The news about the third Black Market on Catskills had been spread, and a lot of folks, no matter if shady or respectable, started to visit the place where good wares were sold for fair prices. The place was busy with merchants, smugglers and customers, trading and bargaining or watching the scenery.

A lot of very good wares were offered. Very good runic crafted weapons and armor were sold for very low prices, artifacts (such as the Conjurer's Trinket or Grimoire) were sold way cheaper than the typical Luna vendor prices.

However, some landlubbers from an enemy guild entered the pirate territory, looking for one of their guild who had mysteriously vanished. The United Pirates however, seemed to have forgotten that they held said wench prisoner down in the cellar of their Jolly Roger Inn, to extort a nice ransom from the landlubbers. After a lenghty debate, a fight suddenly erupted, during which the landlubbers were chased away, but the hostage unfortunately also was rescued and lost.


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