Thanksgiving Surprise

When Sharkeye opened his eyes, he heard a strange cacophonic sound. A sound he had never heard before. Was he still dreaming? Slowly he got up and descended the steps of his house, when he froze. On the beach in front of his cottage sat three fat gigantic Turkeys. The pirate was surprised, and the surprise was immediately followed by one thought: Roasted turkey meat! He asked a bard, who just strolled by, if he would assist him bringing down the mutated bird. While the bard played music to set two Turkeys upon each other, Sharkeye attacked them with spells. The mutated Turkey proved to be a most dangerous animal. It damaged both fighters in a strange way and slowed down their movement. It also seemed to be very resistant to all kinds of spells. Quickly Sharkeye found out that energy based spells like Energy Bolt or Lightning worked best.

After a long fight, the beast was finally slain and Sharkeye found an old map. When opening it, he recognized a marking at a spot south of the Hedge Maze. Town criers directed him to the Royal Zoo, where an ornithologist could be found who provided Sharkeye Pike with a strange brush for later use. Then he traveled to the Hedge Maze and used the brush to search for the secret location. After a short while he found a large nest with strange eggs in it. Turkey eggs! Inside the nest he also discovered a cornucopia. After the mutant eggs were destroyed, the nest vanished again.
Time to hunt down another Turkey!


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